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Anyhow, the nailin' winna hurt it deep, and havin' the case by it will make it safer if it is a guid ane." "Isn't it an oak?" asked Freckles. "Ay," said Duncan. "It looks like it might be ane of thae fine-grained white anes that mak' such grand furniture." When the body of the case was secure, Duncan made a door from the lid and fastened it with hinges.

That night after supper she put the kid to bed an' then came down, an' we went around nailin' the house up. Finally she showed me where to flop. It was in her husband's cave, I believe she called it a little room full o' books an' pipes an' resty-lookin' furniture. The' was a big leather bunk, an' that was where I was to get mine.

Th' man at th' traps sprung a bell boy whom th' Colonel on'y winged, thus goin' back wan, but his second barrel brought down a book-canvasser fr'm New York, an' this bein' a Jew man sint him ahead three. Th' Major had an aisy wan f'r th' head waiter, nailin' him just as he jumped into a coal hole. Four all. Th' Colonel thried a difficult polisman, lamin' him.

Any how, ye'v sot me down fur one of the impenitent, an' yer goin' fur me. Well " "Go on nailin'," interrupted the economical Deacon, a little testily; "the noise don't disturb me; I can hear ye." "Well, what way am I so much wickeder 'n you be you an' t'other folks at the meetin'-house?" asked Hay. "George, I never saw ye in God's house in my life," replied the Deacon.

Th' throuble with th' race we're bringin' up is that th' fair sect, as Shakespeare calls thim, lacks inthrest in their jooty to their husbands. It's th' business iv men to fight, an' th' business iv their wives f'r to make thim fight. Ye may talk iv th' immyrality iv nailin' a man on th' jaw, but 'tis in this way on'y that th' wurruld increases in happiness an' th' race in strenth.

"You can help us nail the bars and " "I ain' studyin' 'bout no bars!" Herman interrupted fiercely. "What good you reckon nailin' bars go' do me if Mammy holler fer me? You white boys sutn'y show me bad day! I try treat people nice, 'n'en they go th'ow my britches down cistern! "I did not!" Sam protested.

Colonel Derringer's first shot caught a boot an' shoe drummer fr'm Chicago square in th' back amid consid'rable applause. Major Lyddite tied th' scoor be nailin' a scrubwoman on th' top iv a ladder.

They've rigged up a little sawmill down there, where they're cutting what the farmers haul in to 'em. And then, besides, they've planted a bunch of piles right out in the middle of the stream and boomed in their side, and they're out there with pike-poles, nailin' onto every stick of deadhead that comes along." "Well, that's all right," said Larsen.

"Comin' along, Slum," replied Carney, winking knowingly to let Tresler understand that the man's impatience was only a covering for his discomfiture at Shaky's hands. "I've done my best to pizen you this ten year. Guess Shaky's still pinin' fer the job o' nailin' a few planks around you. Here you are. More comin'." "Who's needin' me?" asked Shaky, looking up from his cards.

'We-alls owes for his nailin' them hoss-thiefs when they tries to clean out the corral. "'That's it, says Enright, 'for ketchin' of some rustlers who lays for our stock. It's all right, Miss; you needn't look so doubtful. You wouldn't if you knowed this camp. It's the last outfit on earth as would go an' give money to people.