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And when their leader approached our heroes, he repeated the words "Dinnah iss serffed," and licked his lips with anticipation. He spoke again in that very strange accent, this time addressing Elephant: "Vatt iss a madder vi' chew? You nebber seen land sharks 'afore?" "N-N-N-No, w-w-w-we h-h-h-haven't," stuttered Elephant. "Habben chew?" the leader said, winking at his friends.

Monty burst forth in self-defence, and to stop that running chatter of hers: "N-n-n-no! Then silence. Katharine had never before met a person who stammered, and she was utterly astonished. At that moment, also, there was a lull in the animated conversation which the two old ladies opposite had hitherto kept up, so that Montgomery's loud yet uncertain protest fell like a bomb on the air.

How are you enjoying Florence?" "Oh, we're having an elegant time, thanks to that dear wife of yours and that dear girl, Leslie. I don't know what we should have done without them and you." "But the city itself, Florence, doesn't it enchant you?" "We ell, yes. N-n-n-no. Yes and no. That's it. You want me to tell the truth, don't you? Some of it does, and some of it doesn't.

How can I come dressed like th-th-this?" "I'm n-n-not going to the dance." "P-P-P-Pierre!" "I'm not." "Then I am." "W-w-w-without me?" "Y-y-yes." "Jack, you're a flirt." "I hate you, Pierre!" "Thank G-G-G-God! The collar's on." "I can't tie this th-th-thing." "I'll come help you." "N-n-n-no!" "What is it?" "The thing that g-g-goes around me." "C-c-c-corset?" A silence. "Pierre!" "W-well?"

"Well, Sam, if there is a gentleman outside, why don't you ask him to come in and eat with us? Don't you know your manners, Sam? Why do I give you this place to run if you can't ask a gentleman to come in and sit at your table when we are having dinner?" "D-d-did as-s-s-sk him, sah," said Sam, "b-b-but he wouldn't c-c-c- come in; n-n-n-no, sah, wouldn't c-c-c-come in."

"`B-B-B-Brompton, `B-B-B-Bayswater! they shouted together; and then, turnin' fiercely on each other, the one said `N-N-N-No! and the other said `N-N-N-No! `Now, which is it? said Dale, `an' be quick do. "`B-B-B-Brompton! "`B-B-B-Bayswater! in a breath; then says one, `I I s-s-say Brompton! an' the other, he says, `I I s-s-say Bayswater!

The little thing's been telling some ridiculous story about a man's taking her down under the water on his back!" "He did take me down!" cried Effie, "and I wish I'd stayed there! erhn! erhn! erhn!" and she cried and cried. "Soh, soh, little one," said Father Gilder, "you wouldn't want to leave your old father and mother, would you, Effie?" "N-n-n-no, b-b-but m-m-mother said I didn't go."

I suppose you know what we've got to do now, don't you?" "N-n-n-no." "We've got to walk to the next stand." "How how far is it?" "Maybe a hundred miles." "Oh, help!" As a matter of fact they were within five miles of St. Charles, where the Sparling show was billed to exhibit that afternoon and evening.

"How very curious," said the lady, "so interesting to hear all these details first hand! Young man," and she fixed Eric with her lorgnettes, "have you been wounded I see no stripe on your arm?" and she eyed him severely. Now E. has always had a bit of a stammer, but at times it becomes markedly worse. We were both enjoying ourselves tremendously: "N-n-n-no," he replied, "s-s-s-shell s-s-s-shock!"