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You'd have to mortgage everything to pye the fines. Any'ow you'd go into bankruptcy after you'd bailed me out." Carrick paused to view the route before them. "That's a pretty steep 'ill a'ead, sir. Mybe we'd better stop at the top and reconnoitre a bit. We ought to get a good view from there. It looks too bloomin' rocky for this rate any'ow."

"You're in Willlamshaven," the sailor told him, expressing no surprise at his experience. "He's civilian," said one of the men in oilskins. "He's safe." "Mybe, and mybe not," said the sailor; "'ow old are yer?" "Seventeen," said Tom. "Transports aren't civilian," said the sailor. "Ship's boys are not naval in American service." "It's the ige of yer as does it," the sailor answered.

"A bloomin' sailors' 'ome." "Were you captured?" Tom asked. "We're off a bloomin' mine l'yer," the sailor answered, including his companion; "nabbed in the channel 'i, Freddie?" "An' I 'ad tickets in me pocket to tike me girl to the pl'y in Piccadilly that night. Mybe she's witing yet," responded Freddie. "Let 'er wite.

It slid in easily, meeting no obstruction. He probed with it but found nothing except more sand. Discouraged, he wrote on his belt slate, "Mybe no bottm. Flr of cbn my be gne." Scotty nodded. He lifted his hands in a gesture of inquiry. Now what? Rick thought about it for a moment. Tony had been right! They probably would have to remove every board in sight, carrying the ship away piece by piece.

"Some boys," remarked one of the prisoners. "But findin's ain't fixin's," said a British soldier. "Oh, ain't they though!" said Archer. "We'll have it fixed in How long'll it take to fix it, Slady?" "Maybe a couple of days," said Tom. "Mybe a couple o' weeks," said the Britisher. "Mybe it won't, yer jolly good bloomin' ole London fag, you!" mimicked Archer. "It's as good as fixed already."

It may help to know the lay of the place." "Wyte a bit, sir," said Carrick, moving behind his master. "My teeth are strong. Mybe I can get your 'ands loose." Kneeling on the stone floor he applied himself vigorously to the task. "Our friends," commented Carter, "evidently foresaw such an attempt and provided against it by shutting us up in the dark. How are you getting on?"