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In another chronicle which dealt with the exploits of "Chu Chu," a Californian mustang, I gave some space to the accomplishments of Enriquez Saltillo, who assisted me in training her, and who was also brother to Consuelo Saitillo, the young lady to whom I had freely given both the mustang and my youthful affections.

"Climb on and run, Carley," cried Flo. "If you only knew how glad he'll be that you came!" Carley leaped into the saddle and wheeled the mustang. But she had no answer for the girl's singular, almost wild exultance. Then like a shot the spirited mustang was off down the lane. Carley wondered with swelling heart.

The lonely night stillness split to a frantic snort and scream of terror, and the stricken mustang with his mortal enemy upon his back, dashed off with fierce, wild love of life. As he went he felt his foe crawl toward his neck on claws of fire; he saw the tawny body and the gleaming eyes; then the cruel teeth snapped with the sudden bite, and the woodland tragedy ended.

"Wal, you're sure a cat ... Look at her eyes! ... All right, don't git mad at me." He spilled the contents of the sack out on the sand, and bent over it. What had made Allie's eyes flash was the recognition of her opportunity. She did not hesitate an instant. First she looked to see just where the mustang stood. He was near, with the rope dragging, half coiled.

"Is it better we should remain here?" asked Lucien, who knew that his brother's strong judgment would decide upon the best plan. "No," replied the latter; "it is of no use. I could not have found my way back, but for the tracks of my horse. Francois will not think of that; and even if he did, his horse is a mustang, and the prairie is covered with mustang tracks, running in every direction.

The sight of them drove every other thought out of my head. "Mustangs!" I exclaimed. "Sure. Can you ride?" "Oh yes. I have a horse at home.... What wiry little fellows! They're so wild-looking." "You pick out the one as suits you, an' I'll step into Cless's here. He's the man who owns this bunch." It did not take me long to decide. A black mustang at once took my eye.

It was this sort of over-confidence and feeling of security, that had made me adventure so rashly, and spite of all warning, in pursuit of the mustang. I had not waited to reflect, that a little more than four weeks' experience was necessary to make one acquainted with the bearings of a district three times as big as New York State.

For a second Peter felt his brain in a whirl, then he leaped upon Twinkling Hoofs, whom he had been leading by the bridle, breathed a word in the ear of the clever mustang, and sped away like the wind, "to tell them at home." Who could describe the emotions of the fond mother when, half an hour later, she clasped her darling to her breast?

Alas! poor Lancelot! an unlicked bear, 'with all his sorrows before him! 'Come along, quoth Bracebridge, between snatches of a tune, his coolness maddening Lancelot. 'Old Lavington will find us dry clothes, a bottle of port, and a brace of charming daughters, at the Priory. In with you, little Mustang of the prairie! Neck or nothing!

He also knew that the captain's charger was a splendid one. In order to accomplish his purpose, therefore, he would ride it to death. The distance between the ranch and the outlaws' cave was not so great but that any mustang in the plains could have traversed it in a day, but the cruel man had made up his mind that the captain's charger should do it in a few hours.