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"She is sure to be here in a day or so; and there will be lots of things to do to get ready in the mean time, won't there?" "Yes, indeed," said the Doctor. "Suppose we go down and see your friend Joe, the mussel-man. He will know about boats." "I'd like to come too," said Jip. "All right, come along," said the Doctor, and off we went.

And, dreaming of the lands I had never seen, I'd sit on there, watching till they were out of sight. Three great friends I had in Puddleby in those days. One was Joe, the mussel-man, who lived in a tiny hut by the edge of the water under the bridge. This old man was simply marvelous at making things. I never saw a man so clever with his hands.

But of him I will tell you more later on. I did not go to school; because my father was not rich enough to send me. But I was extremely fond of animals. So I used to spend my time collecting birds' eggs and butterflies, fishing in the river, rambling through the countryside after blackberries and mushrooms and helping the mussel-man mend his nets.

So I thanked the mussel-man, took up my squirrel again and started oft towards the Oxenthorpe Road. The first thing I heard as I came into the marketplace was some one calling "Meat! "There's Matthew Mugg," I said to myself. "He'll know where this Doctor lives. Matthew knows everyone." So I hurried across the market-place and caught him up. "Matthew," I said, "do you know Doctor Dolittle?"

But I was far too happy to listen to her scolding; and I ran on, singing, into the kitchen to find Chee-Chee. THAT same week we began our preparations for the voyage. Joe, the mussel-man, had the Curlew moved down the river and tied it up along the river-wall, so it would be more handy for loading. And for three whole days we carried provisions down to our beautiful new boat and stowed them away.

This is a job for a surgeon and for a right smart one an' all. There be only one man I know who could save yon crittur's life. And that's John Dolittle." "Who is John Dolittle?" I asked. "Is he a vet?" "No," said the mussel-man. "He's no vet. Doctor Dolittle is a nacheralist." "What's a nacheralist?"

Joe said yes, he had a boat one he had just bought but it needed three people to sail her. We told him we would like to see it anyway. So the mussel-man took us off a little way down the river and showed us the neatest, prettiest, little vessel that ever was built. She was called The Curlew. Joe said he would sell her to us cheap.