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That's why I'm willing to let him be my boss. He's a wonder at thinking up new stunts, and then at working out safe new ways of putting them across." "But the police landed him at last," commented Hunt. "Yes, but that was only because another man muffed his end of the job." The handsome Barney Palmer had been restless during Old Jimmie's eulogy.

Then he turned to send in a drive past Greg, who now hovered over the plate. Greg Holmes went to two strikes and three balls, Hi all the time alertly watching Prescott at second. Crack! And now Greg was running. Norths' left-fielder muffed the ball, then recovered and threw like a flash to third. But Dick was there a shade of a second ahead of the leather. "Safe" declared the umpire.

The man muffed the catch butter-fingered idiot! but he picked up the handkerchief and undid it, and when he saw what was in it he swore dreadfully. The cad! 'Look here, he called out, 'this won't do, young shaver. I want those there shiners I see in your pus! Chuck 'em along! Then Oswald laughed. He said 'I shall know you again anywhere, and you'll be put in prison for this.

A few hairs, whiter than fine-drawn silver, fringed the base; over a broad, full-sphered skull the skin was drawn close, and shone in the light with positive brilliance; the temples were deep hollows, from which the forehead beetled like a wrinkled crag; the eyes were wan and dim; the nose was pinched; and all the lower face was muffed in a beard flowing and venerable as Aaron's.

This was announced by the mounting of the elevator to their landing, and then by low, rapid pleading in a man's voice outside. Kenton was about to open the door, when there came the formless noise of what seemed a struggle, and Ellen's voice rose in a muffed cry: "Oh! Oh! Let me be! Go away! I hate you!"

A hundred drops, startled by a flare of wind from a dripping tree, scattered on her and she pressed them gladly to her face with hot hands. "Gloria! Gloria!" The voice was infinitely remote, muffed and made plaintive by the walls she had just left.

"H'm!" said Ann Veronica, and then went on "I want to be taken seriously. A girl at my age is grown-up. I want to go on with my University work under proper conditions, now that I've done the Intermediate. It isn't as though I haven't done well. I've never muffed an exam yet. Roddy muffed two...." Her father interrupted. "Now look here, Veronica, let us be plain with each other.

They would lie awake of nights, thinking they heard the muffed snapping of roots, as if a thousand acres of the mountain-side were tugging to break away, like the snow from a house-roof, and a hundred thousand trees were clinging with all their fibres to hold back the soil just ready to peel away and crash down with all its rocks and forest-growths.

He tried to catch the ball in his bare right hand and muffed it, Hanley got to second on the play while the audience roared. When they got through there was some roaring among the Rochester players. Scott and Captain Healy roared at Red, and Red roared back at them. "It's all off. Red never did that before," cried Delaney in despair. "He's gone clean bughouse now."

They moved on into the deep shadow, and there was a pulse throbbing in Ormiston's head and heart like the beating of a muffed drum. They paused and faced each other silently. "Quick, madame!" cried Ormiston, hoarsely, his whole face flushed wildly. His strange companion lifted her hand as if to remove the mask, and he saw that it shook like an aspen.