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Our 'old families' seem to have got vulgar-spirited imperceptibly in a generation or so. They quarrel and shirk and lay blame exactly as bad servants do and things are still far too much in their hands. Things are getting muffed, there can be no doubt about that not fatally, but still rather seriously. And the government it was human before the war, and we've added no archangels. There's muddle.

There's plenty of hot supper in the oven for you, but you don't deserve a thing! Square yourself!" "Don't ask him a single question!" grumbled Jack. "He won't tell you a thing! We've been within sight of a signal from Jimmie this afternoon, and we've had a chance to tell the outlaws where they can go, but he's muffed every play! I'm going to eat and go to bed!"

Wake muffed his first jump, and we gave ourselves up for gone 'coons. However, he hopped over second try. They went up by inches to five feet. My word! you should have seen the way Violet clapped! They'd have been cads if they hadn't gone over, with her backing them up like that. Wake's got the rummiest jump you ever saw.

'I had a bad fall, shooting in Scotland, years ago when I was quite a lad. Something went wrong in the knee-cap. The doctors muffed it, and I have had a stiff knee ever since. I daresay they'd give me work at the War Office or the Admiralty. Lots of fellows I know who can't serve are doing war-work of that kind. But I can't stand office work never could.

But Harvard held well, and the contest was a fairly even one for twenty minutes. There was an anxious moment towards the end, when Gosse, for Harvard, muffed on the date of the first production of 'The Tempest, but before Yale could frame another question the whistle blew. "In the second half, Yale perceptibly weakened.

The light from above, a light that seemed to come through a vast scuttle of deeply muffed glass, faint though it was, almost to extinction, still varied as the little boat floated through the strata of the mist.

Tremaine was precipitated head foremost into the hole, with his heels in the air, and Lilla at the same moment coming to a halt in her acrobatic descent, beheld the apparition of a pair of legs, feet upwards, and a coarse pair of knickerbocker stockings dragged over the boots. "Who has muffed in now? Gracious goodness, I knit those stockings; it is the Governor!

"I 'lowed they'd git tired," muttered Cousin, sticking the top of his head into the kettle and lifting the edge a crack so he could scrutinize the forest. After a minute of silence his muffed voice called down to me: "Had a notion that cow we passed nearest the woods was dead. Try a shot that'll just graze the rump." I fired and a Shawnee began rolling toward the bushes.

Then he unscrewed all the bulbs from the chandelier in the library and attached in their places connections with the usual green silk-covered flexible wire rope. These were then joined up to a little instrument which to me looked like a drill. Next he muffed the drill with a wad of felt and applied it to the safe door. I could hear the dull tat-tat of the drill.