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Acting on the suggestion of Jack, the scouts gave all sorts of exhibitions of alarm as they busied themselves taking down the tents, and loading their traps aboard the two motorboats.

Long and earnestly did Perk stare, picturing the shore motorboats speeding out through the gloom toward that signal light to take aboard their several loads and make for certain secluded harbors where trucks would be waiting to transfer the illicit stuff to its destined markets where prices ranged high with the holidays approaching and rich, thirsty tourists to be supplied.

"You certainly are fierce when you get started!" laughed Harry. "Well," he added, "you can't get ready any too soon to please me." It was two days before the boys found a vessel going their way, and even then Jack insisted that his father bribed the owners to run off their course in order to set the boys and their motorboats down at the mouth of the Amazon river.

"Yes, sir," replied both lads. "Very well. The solution of this mystery is, primarily, motorboats." "What do you mean, sir?" exclaimed Jack. "Just what I say. In the main, the possible hundred German submarines that have disappeared recently have been accounted for by high-speed, powerfully armed motorboats.

Although the rest of the scouts mocked him, and pretended to jeer at the idea of such a thing as a wild man existing so near Stanhope, nevertheless, as the two motorboats gradually shortened the distance separating them from the mysterious island, they gazed long at the dark mass lying on the still water of the big lake and its gloomy appearance affected them.

Now, Garrick, I give you my word of honor that I did not know until to-day that the property in that neighborhood was owned by our estate. I have been in that joint on Forty-eighth Street I'll admit that. But, you know, I'm no gambler. I've gone simply to see the life, and well, it has no attraction for me. Racing cars and motorboats don't go with poker chips and the red and black not with me.

Minesweeper Lingfield to take off surplus steaming parties of block ships, which had 100 miles to steam. Eighteen coastal motorboats. Thirty-three motor launches. To bombard vicinity of Zeebrugge Monitors Erebus and Terror. To attend monitors Termagant, Truculent, and Manly. Outer patrol off Zeebrugge Attentive, Scot, Ulleswater, Teazer and Stork.

And there, within a block, the dog was right at his heels again rather slinkingly, but with the joy of companionship in his eye. Now Purt was nearing the dock above the Main Street bridge where the motorboats were tied up. Whether the girls had returned or no, he hated to face the other fellows with this mongrel trailing at his heels. The situation sharpened Purt's wits.

The momentum of the barge immediately following could not be checked, and she in turn drove into what seemed to be a mud bank. At about the same instant the other barges struck bottom. Intense excitement and confusion prevailed among the members of the expedition, since they were almost out of sight of land and the draft of the motorboats was only nineteen inches.

However, I am having a pretty good time on this side and I know that I shall return safely some day." The Hawk, last in line, made her way back slowly. An hour after the lights of the Glasgow had faded from view, Frank, glancing forward, was unable to make out the distant light of a single of the other motorboats. He called Lord Hastings' attention to this fact.