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You are thinking that now you have your fata morgana nothing else. You are already preparing a grave for her in your mind!" Lawrence took her head in his hands. "Never," he shot out the word. "Never you are mine; I have come all these ocean miles to find you. I have come for an accounting with the vision that troubles man." Her face drew nearer. "I am Venice, you said. I am set in the mare morto.

On the other side of Lake Avernus is the Mare Morto, the Lake or Sea of the Dead, with its memories of Charon and his ghostly crew, which now shines in the setting sun like a field of gold sparkling with jewels; and beyond it are the Elysian Fields, the abodes of the blessed, the rich life of whose soil breaks out at every pore into a luxuriant maze of vines and orange trees, and all manner of lovely and fruitful vegetation.

"Gaspare!" repeated the doctor, touching him. "Gaspare!" "E' morto!" the boy suddenly cried out, in a loud voice. And he flung himself down on the ground. The doctor felt a thrill of cold in his veins. He went up the steps into the little sitting-room. As he did so Hermione came to the door of the bedroom. Her dripping skirts clung about her. She looked quite calm.

Would that we had left it severely alone and had landed a big force at Morto Bay whence we could have forced the Sedd-el-Bahr Turks to fall back. One thing is sure. Whatever happens to us here we are bound to win glory.

Meanwhile, with my force on the Asiatic side I would be enabled to establish in Morto Bay a base safe from the bad weather which must be expected later on. "With regard to ammunition, the more we can get the more easy will our task be, but I hope we may be able to achieve success at the end of July with the amount available.

"She is like a lovely child resisting nothing. It is some shock it will pass." And now there came a day when the proud heart of Venice was stirred to its core, for a messenger dashed breathless into the Council Chamber an excited, protesting throng of the populace surging in through the open door behind him. "Fra Paolo! Il caro Padre! Morto!" "Dead!"

I tack my D.V. on to Morto Bay because the transports will there be under fire from Asia unless the French succeed in silencing the guns about Troy or in diverting their aim. Whether then our transports can stick it or not is uncertain, like everything else in war, only more so. They must if they can and if they can they must; that is all that can be said at present.

I hesitated, Hector turned upon us, we were approaching the light, and, with a suddenness which fear and passion inspired, knowing that Mowbray did not understand Italian, I said in an under voice 'Il Signer Hugo Trevor non e morto, bellissima Signora; Mr.

On Good Friday evening in the lovely dying April light I paid thirty centimes to be taken by tram to Grassina to see the famous procession of the Gesù Morto.

Over there, in the heavy-scented garden on the Giudecca, lined against a purplish sea, she was resting; she had given free warning for him to go, but she was there . "She holds me here in the Mare Morto, where the sea-weeds wind about and bind."