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The name "Giorgione" signifies "Big George." But it seems to have been also his father's name. This visitation claimed no less than 20,000 victims. See Gronau, op. cit. Tradition has been exceptionally busy over Giorgione's affairs. The story goes that he died of grief at being betrayed by his friend and pupil, Morto da Feltre, who had robbed him of his mistress.

But two good battalions at large and on the war path some four or five miles in rear of the enemy should do something during the next few hours. I was right, so it seems, about getting ashore before the enemy could see to shoot out to sea. At Gaba Tepe; opposite Krithia and by Morto Bay we landed without too much loss.

She ought to have been back from Morto Bay and lending a hand here, but she had not turned up. All sorts of surmises. Now we hear she has landed our right flank attack very dashingly and that we have stormed de Tott's Battery! I fear the South Wales Borderers are hardly strong enough alone to move across and threaten Sedd-el-Bahr from the North. But the news is fine.

"Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau, La moitie de ma vie a mis l'autre au tombeau." "Il pover uomo che non sen' era accorto, Andava combattendo, ed era morto." See his account of the siege of Gibraltar. Life of Hyder Ali Khan, vol. ii. p. 231. See the advice of Cleomenes to Crius. It is said that the waters of the Garonne are famed for a similar virtue. The stomach.