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Morro Castle frowns upon the scene. Beyond far beyond, are the mountain tops. A basket of food and a kettle of coffee had been sent on board by the flagship, and after midnight the men sit down on deck to eat their last meal on board the Merrimac. A little before two o'clock, Friday morning, June 3d, the Merrimac starts for the channel.

It is only those who leave their homes and take part in battle who are injured. It is only the rebels who destroy peaceful homes. "'It is reported, I said, 'that thirty women are fighting under Maceo. Is this true? "'Yes, replied the General. 'We took one woman yesterday. She was dressed in man's clothes and was wielding a machete. She is now in Morro Castle. These women are fiercer than men.

He did not hastily telegraph the War Department that it was reported at Cienfuegos; that it was said to be in the Windward Passage; that it was five miles north of Morro, or that it was near a reef in the Este Channel and would be stopped. He sent Lieutenant Victor Blue ashore to make a thorough and careful reconnaissance.

It was on account of these attacks that Lieutenant Hobson and his crew were removed from their cells in Morro Castle and taken to another prison, as I have told you. The English Consul at Santiago, a wise and good man, told the Spanish general that Lieutenant Hobson and his men could not, in honor, be kept where they might be killed by shells from their own ships. So the prisoners were removed.

The Indiana was two miles from the Texas and two and six-tenths miles from the Oquendo, the nearest Spanish vessel. The Gloucester had moved up six-tenths of a mile and was just a mile directly south of Morro. "Position No. 4, 10:20 a. m. Oquendo turned to run ashore. Only five minutes elapsed from position No. 3. All vessels had been running westward without material changes in their positions.

He descended the river Amazon with his band, and reached by a communication of the rivers of Guyana the island of Margareta. The great earthquake of 1797 produced some changes in the configuration of the shoal of Morro Roxo, towards the mouth of the Rio Bordones. Similar swellings were observed at the time of the total destruction of Cumana, in 1766.

So the long day wore by; it was as a man waking from a deep sleep that the wretched American looked up when the door of that cell was opened again. He found that the hours had flown by, and that the time for the trip to Morro had come. If Clif had cared about anything then he would have shivered with horror at that moment, for it was surely gruesome and uncanny enough.

El Morro, or "Inscription Rock," as it is called, is between Acoma and the city of Old Zuni which still goes by the name of "Middle Ant Hill of the World." In a book by Charles Lummis, entitled Strange Corners of Our Country, there is an excellent description of the Rock and copies of the most interesting inscriptions, with translations.

We're all wan people, an' we look to Gin'ral Miles to desthroy th' Spanish with wan blow. Whin it comes, trees will be lifted out be th' roots. Morro Castle'll cave in, an' th' air'll be full iv Spanish whiskers. A long blow, a sthrong blow, an' a blow all together." "We're a gr-reat people," said Mr. Hennessy, earnestly. "We ar-re," said Mr. Dooley. "We ar-re that.

At 9:35 on Sunday morning the flagship New York, with Admiral Sampson on board, was many miles to the eastward, bearing the admiral to a conference with General Shafter. The fleet as a whole was much farther off shore than usual. Any one looking seaward from Morro Castle and seeing the distant specks on the water would not have realized that the port was effectively blockaded.