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On looking more closely she perceived, however, that it was Mogue Moylan; and, unable to restrain her impatience, she raised the window still higher, and called down as Mogue passed under it, on his way round to the kitchen, but in a low, earnest voice, with, as Mogue thought, a good deal of confidential in it, "Is that Mogue?"

"Ha! ha! ha! very good, Mogue, but make it short ha! ha! ha! and who's your authority for all this?" "Himself, miss, for a great part of it; it was this day, he wanted myself to become a White-boy; but I had the grace o' God about me, I hope, an' resisted the temptation.

"There is one thing more I want from you, Mogue," said Flann. "By the Eye of Balor! you're a cuckoo in my nest. What do you want now?" "The Girdle of Truth." "Is it my last treasure you'd be taking on me?" "The Spae-Woman bid me tell you that you're to give me the Girdle of Truth." "It's a pity of me, it's a pity of me," said Mogue.

"I want to sell three treasures I have with me," said Mogue. "I have the most wonderful things that were ever brought into this town." "Show them to me," said Flann. Mogue opened one of his packs and took out a box. When he opened this box a fragrance came such as Flann had never felt before. "What is that that smells like a garden of sweet flowers?" said Flann.

"I will serve you for two years if you will give it to me," said Flann. "No," said Mogue. "I will serve you for three years if you will give it to me," said Flann. "I will give it to you if you will serve me for three years." Thereupon Mogue opened his pack and took the box out. He opened it and put the Rose of Sweet Smells into Flann's hand. At once Flann started off for the King's orchard.

When Mogue Moylan heard that John purcel had gone to the gunsmith's for the blunderbluss, he stealthily sought the barn where he slept, and, putting on a great frieze coat, he went to the haggard; approached the stack, and thrusting his hand up the thatch, secured a case of pistols that had been left with him and Jerry Joyce for their defence, and fixing them under his coat, deliberately took his departure.

"And a very great scoundrel is Mogue Moylan," said one of them, with a wink at the rest. "Well, no," said Finnerty, "I think not poor Mogue's a daecnt, quiet crature, and has a great regard for truth and religion."

"To whatever woman you make happy Mogue, there will be. Well, but, Mogue, tell me; had you a good day's sport?" "Sorra worse then; God pardon me for swearin'," he replied. "There riz a mist in the mountains that a man could build a house wid, if there was any implements to be found, hard and sharp enough to cut it. All we got was a brace of grouse and a snipe or two."

Then she raised herself out of the water, turned round in the air, and flew back to the middle of the lake. "Time for us to be leaving the place when there is a bird on the lake that can speak like that," said Mogue, who had been the Captain of the Robbers. "To-night I'm leaving this townland." "And I am leaving too," said another robber. "And I too," said another.

"No," they replied; "Go on, and more power!" At this moment M'Carthy shouted out in loud and powerful tones "The Cannie Soogah!" and the words were no sooner uttered than Mogue started, a rapid stir and murmur pervaded, the multitude, and almost instantly a most hearty and vociferous cheer awakened the echoes that slept among the neighboring hills.