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He went out of the orchard disconsolate, thinking that when he was on his seven years' service with Mogue Princess Flame-of-Wine might forget him. As he walked on he passed the little house where the Spae-Woman had her besoms and heather-stalks. She ran to him when she saw him. "Have you heard that the King's Son has found what went before, and what comes after the Unique Tale?" said she.

"This is a bad town to be in," said Mogue, "and unless I persuade yourself to become partners with me I shall have done badly in it. Join with me now and we'll do some fine feats together." "It would not become a King's Son to join with a robber-captain," said Flann. "Fine talk, fine talk," said Mogue. He thought that Flann was jesting with him when he spoke of himself as a King's Son.

He had only got clear of the offices, however, and was passing the garden wall, which ran between him and the proctor's whole premises, when he was arrested by Mogue Moylan. "Ah! merry Mogue," exclaimed the pedlar, ironically, "I was missin' you. Where were you, my cherub?"

The maiden who would wear it would look the most queenly woman in the Kingdom. But I won't show that either." "What else have you, Mogue?" "A girdle. The woman who wears it would have to speak the truth." The Town of Flann thought he would do much to get the Rose of Sweet Smells or the Comb of Magnificence and bring them as presents to the Princess Flame-of-Wine.

As he reached the back yard, by which he intended to enter, anxious to get himself washed before any of them should see him he was met by Mogue, who after a glance or two recognized him at once by his shooting-dress. "Why thin, good fortune to me, Misther Frank, is this you?" "It is, Mogue; but I have no time to speak to you now. Only get me soap and a towel till I wash my face at the pump here.

"Now, Mogue," said his companion, "you are much better acquainted with these mountains than I am, and with those places where we may be likely to find most game. I, therefore, place myself in your hands for the day." "Well, indeed I ought, sir, to know them," replied Mogue, "and I believe I do; and talkin' of that, you have often heard of the great robber and rapparee, Shaun Bernha?"

She remembered also to have heard her husband say upon one occasion when he was drunk, that Mogue Moylan was the deepest villain in the barony ay, or in the kingdom; and that only for his cowardice he would be a man after his own heart.

But sure, sir, maybe somebody else about the place seen them." An investigation was consequently held upon this reasonable suggestion, but we need scarcely assure our readers, without effect; the aforesaid "poor woman" having had existence only in the fertile imagination of stainless and uncorrupted saint Mogue.

"No, thin," replied Mogue, brightening up with excessive vanity, "may I be happy if I do!" "Why, our fair friend, Letty Lenehan begad, Mogue, she's a purty girl that says she to herself," proceeded the pedlar; "for I don't think she knew or thought I heard her 'If I thought he would like these rib-bons, I'd buy them for myself. 'Who do you mane, acushla? says I, whisperin' to her.

Mogue shook it, but added, "Never mind, I'll think it over again, and when I'm made up on it, maybe I'll tell you. Don't we meet on this day week?" "Sartainly, will you come?" "I intend it, for the truth is, Misther Magrath, that the Millstone must be broke; that I may die in pace, but it must, an' any one that stands in the way of it must suffer. May I be happy, but they must."