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Christus, aut fidei fundamenta sustentat aut in angulo positus duorum parietum membra aequata moderatione conjungit, i.e., Veteris et Novi Testamenti in unum colligit gentes." De Errore profan. Religionum, chap. xxi. This permanence of position was also attributed to those cubical stones among the Romans which represented the statues of the god Terminus.

If any will needs have the law of nature distinguished from the law of nations, let them either take Aquinas’ distinction, who maketh the law of nature to contain certain principles, having the same place in practical reason which the principles of scientific demonstrations have in speculative reason; and the law of nations to contain certain conclusions drawn from the said principles: or, otherwise, embrace the difference which is put betwixt those laws by Mattheus Wesenbecius: Quæ bestiæ naturali concitatione; ea, saith he, homines ex eodem sensu ac affectione, cum moderatione tamen ratione si faciunt, jure naturæ faciunt.

Less strongly expressed, the same view is also found in the exordium of another and more mature treatise on rhetoric, by an author whose name is unknown, written a year or two before that of Cicero: "Non enim parum in se fructus habet copia dicendi et commoditas orationis, si recta intelligentia et definita animi moderatione gubernetur."

After a lofty moral maxim, which I leave for you to construe 'In partem pietatis recidit mitigata districtio; et sub beneficio praestat, qui poenam debitam moderatione considerata palpaverit, Jovinus the curial is informed, after the most complex method, that having first quarrelled with a fellow-curial, and then proceeded to kill him, he is banished for life to the isle of Volcano, among the Liparis.

Boadicea duce coepta, a Suet. Paullino compressa. Huic succedunt ignavi. 17. Rem restituunt Petilius Cerialis et Julius Frontinus; hic Silures, ille Brigantes vincit; 18. Agricola Ordovices et Monam. Totam provinciam pacat, et 19, 20. moderatione, prudentia, abstinentia, aequitate in obsequio retinet, 21. animosque artibus et voluptatibus mollit.