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Came an echoing call of trumpets, from far, hidden places in the city; and kettle-drums boomed with dull reverberation. "Labbayk, Allahuma!" shouted Bara Miyan, announcing with praise to Allah his entrance into the City of Gold. A long, great shouting answered him from the massed thousands of white figures on the walls.

Men who have suffered and bled, risked all, seen their comrades die, and even now stand in the shadow of death hoping some vast, tangible loot are not proper material for discussion of literary values. "Yafta Allah!" the Master exclaimed, with emphasis equal to the Olema's. "No, Bara Miyan, this cannot be." "Our dancing and singing maidens are like a flame of Paradise.

Well ridden by thee and by all thy men of Feringistan!" exclaimed Bara Miyan, with what seemed real friendliness, as he sat there on his high saddle, gravely stroking his beard. "It was a test for thee and thine, to see, by Allah! if the men of the unbelieving nations be also men like us of Araby! And I see now ye have flying houses. Wherefore horses are not dear to you, as to us.

The old man turned, took from the hand of a horseman a long, curved blade of razor-keenness and with a heavy back. The Master glanced significantly at Brodeur, who knelt by the switchboard with one steady hand on a brass lever, the other on the control of a complex ray-focussing device. Toward Bara Miyan the Master advanced across the turf. He came close.

The plain statement given Bara Miyan that the Myzab and the Black Stone must be left on the grass until the Feringi had again flown away toward their own country, had duly impressed the Arabs. They had seen two sticks of the explosive laid on the holy objects, and well had understood that any treachery would result in the annihilation of the most sacred objects of their faith.

All at once, old Bara Miyan removed the amber stem of the water-pipe from his bearded lips and said: "Now, White Sheik, thou hast eaten of our humble food, and seen our dancing. Thou hast heard our song. Wilt thou also see jugglers, wrestlers, trained apes from Yemen? Or doth it please thee now to speak of the gifts that my heart offers thee and thine?"

The whole experience of the past days had been a Jehannum of incomprehensible terrors. Now that the climax was at hand, strength nearly deserted him even to stand. But the proud Arab blood in him flared up again as he was thrust forward, confronting Bara Miyan.

"The salt is still in thy stomach for us?" "It is still in my stomach." "Thou dost swear that, O Bara Miyan, by a great oath?" "By the rising of the stars, which is a great oath!" "And by the greatest oath, the honor of thy women?" "Yea, Frank, by the honor of my women! But thou and thine, too, have covenants to keep."

At that she flashed her white teeth and her eyes blazed. "Truly! Allah puts a good omen into your mouth, miyan!* Yet little comes to the woman who neglects to plan for it. Give me the poison. I will pay." * Miyan: the rather contemptuous form of address that Arabs use toward Indian Moslems.

They were both beheaded, White Sheik, and their bodies were burned to ashes." "No doubt," the Master answered, nonchalantly. "But they had brought no rich gifts to the Meccans. Therefore, now speaking of these forty camel-loads of cut jewels, O Bara Miyan " "It is in thy mind to ask for those, White Sheik?" "Allah giveth thee two hearts, Bara Miyan, as well as the riches of Karun.