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"Faith, though," the major whispered to "Captain Alden," close behind him, "of all ways to take a walk, my favorite way not to is on an Arab horse with a saddle like the Inquisition! Tomorrow, oh, my poor bones, tomorrow!" Bara Miyan was speaking again, while the Master, Leclair, and his orderly, Lebon who alone of the Legionaries understood Arabic listened closely.

Long experience with Orientals had taught him the profundity of their legerdemain, practically none of which ever has been fathomed by white men. The Master realized that all his powers might be tried to the utmost to match and overcome the demonstration of the Jannati Shahr folk. While Bara Miyan stood talking to the three Sufis, the Master was in a low voice instructing his own men.

The Master, however, wise in the psychology of the Arab, only laughed. "This is very old magic," said he. "It is told of in the second chapter of Al Koran, entitled 'The Cow; only when Ibrahim did this magic he used four birds. Well, Bara Miyan, command thine imams to do this ancient magic!"

In silence the Legionaries followed old Bara Miyan through the curtained doorway; and after them came the sub-chiefs. The Maghrabi stranglers, noiseless and bare-footed, fell in behind; a long ominous line of black human brutes, seeming hardly above the intellectual level of so many gorillas. Stout-hearted as the Legionaries were, a kind of numbing oppression was closing in upon them.