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The plan of Pompeius was to get the senate to commit to him the superintendence of the matters relating to corn throughout the whole Roman empire, and, with a view to this ultimate object, to entrust him on the one hand with the unlimited disposal of the Roman state- treasure, and on the other hand with an army and fleet, as well as a command which not only stretched over the whole Roman empire, but was superior in each province to that of the governor in short he designed to institute an improved edition of the Gabinian law, to which the conduct of the Egyptian war just then pending would therefore quite as naturally have been annexed as the conduct of the Mithradatic war to the razzia against the pirates.

Metellus with the fleet went past Ariminum to Ravenna, and at Faventia cut off the communication between Ariminum and the valley of the Po, into which he sent forward a division along the great road to Placentia under Marcus Lucullus, the quaestor of Sulla and brother of his admiral in the Mithradatic war.

However clearly democratic strategists showed that the Mithradatic war could only be regarded as terminated by the capture of the king, and that it was therefore necessary to undertake the pursuit round the Black Sea, and above all things to keep aloof from Syria Pompeius, not concerning himself about such talk, had set out in the spring of 690 from Armenia and marched towards Syria.

Many years afterwards there were still pointed out in the Armenian towns statues of Greek gods by well- known masters, trophies of this campaign. We have no difficulty in recognizing here various facts of the first Mithradatic war, but the whole narrative is evidently confused, furnished with heterogeneous additions, and in particular transferred by patriotic falsification to Armenia.

But this resolution of the bravest despair made not much change in the main result; although the mountain-war in Samnium and Lucania might still require some time and some sacrifices, the insurrection was nevertheless already substantially at an end. Outbreak of the Mithradatic War

The army, at the head of which Lucullus had ended the Mithradatic war, amounting to about 30,000 men, was obviously inadequate for this double task.

They neglected to draw up the treaty of peace in writing, and this neglect afterwards left room far various misrepresentations. Armenian tradition also is acquainted with the first Mithradatic war. As there was anarchy at that time in Rome, he nowhere encountered serious resistance, but his soldiers killed each other and Ardasches fell by the hands of his own troops.

In Sicily too, in addition to the Roman tenth, a very considerable local taxation was raised from property. IV. VI. The New Military Organization IV. II. Vote by Ballot III. VII. Liguria IV. V. Province of Narbo IV. V. In Illyria IV. I. Province of Macedonia III. XI. Italian Subjects, III. XII. Roman Wealth IV. V. Taurisci III. IV. Pressure of the War IV. VII. Outbreak of the Mithradatic War

The Mithradatic wars formed at once the last movement of the political opposition offered by Hellas to Rome, and the beginning of a revolt against the Roman supremacy resting on very different and far deeper grounds of antagonism the national reaction of the Asiatics against the Occidentals.

The Mithradatic wars formed at once the last movement of the political opposition offered by Hellas to Rome, and the beginning of a revolt against the Roman supremacy resting on very different and far deeper grounds of antagonism the national reaction of the Asiatics against the Occidentals.