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But ten years later the Dalmatians rose afresh, once more in concert with the Scordisci. The Romans Cross the Eastern Alps and Reach the Danube The expedition of the consul of 639, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, against the Taurisci presented more the character of a war of conquest.

To the south-east of these we meet with another Celtic stock, which made its appearance in Styria and Carinthia under the name of the Taurisci and afterwards of the Norici, in Friuli, Carniola, and Istria under that of the Carni.

The Cimbri did not attack; indeed, when Carbo ordered them to evacuate the territory of the Taurisci who were in relations of hospitality with Rome an order which the treaty with the latter by no means bound him to make they complied and followed the guides whom Carbo had assigned to them to escort them over the frontier.

IV. VII. Economic Crisis IV. VII. The Sulpician Laws IV. VII. Legislation of Sulla IV. IX. Government of Cinna IV. VIII. Orders Issued from Ephesus for A General Massacre IV. VIII. Thrace and Macedonia Occupied by the Pontic Armies. IV. VI. Roman Intervention III. XII. Roman Wealth IV. V. Taurisci III. VI. Pressure of the War II. VIII. Silver Standard of Value III. VI. Pressure of the War

It was not till, in the fifth month of the siege, a messenger of Adherbal stole through the entrenchments of the enemy and a letter of the king full of the most urgent entreaties reached the senate, that the latter roused itself and actually adopted a resolution not to declare war as the minority demanded but to send a new embassy an embassy, however, headed by Marcus Scaurus, the great conqueror of the Taurisci and the freedmen, the imposing hero of the aristocracy, whose mere appearance would suffice to bring the refractory king to a different mind.

IV. VII. Economic Crisis IV. VII. The Sulpician Laws IV. VII. Legislation of Sulla IV. IX. Government of Cinna IV. VIII. Orders Issued from Ephesus for A General Massacre IV. VIII. Thrace and Macedonia Occupied by the Pontic Armies. IV. VI. Roman Intervention III. XII. Roman Wealth IV. V. Taurisci III. VI. Pressure of the War II. VIII. Silver Standard of Value III. VI. Pressure of the War

But ten years later the Dalmatians rose afresh, once more in concert with the Scordisci. The Romans Cross the Eastern Alps and Reach the Danube The expedition of the consul of 639, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, against the Taurisci presented more the character of a war of conquest.

To the south-east of these we meet with another Celtic stock, which made its appearance in Styria and Carinthia under the name of the Taurisci and afterwards of the Norici, in Friuli, Carniola, and Istria under that of the Carni.

V. VII. Caesar and Ariovistus V. VII. The Helvetii Sent Back to Their Original Abodes V. VII. Beginning of the Struggle IV. V. Taurisci V. VI. Clodius IV. V. The Victory and the Parties This palinode is the still extant oration on the Provinces to be assigned to the consuls of 699. It was delivered in the end of May 698.

Against the Taurisci and Iapudes and Dalmatians and Pannonians you yourselves now before me battled most zealously and frequently for some few walls and desert land; you subdued all of them though they are admittedly a most warlike race; and, by Jupiter, against Sextus also, for Sicily merely, and against this very Antony, for Mutina merely, you carried on a similar struggle, so that you came out victorious over both.