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"Y'u bet," agreed Missou. "We'll last about three minutes when the stampede begins." The scream of an engine pierced the night. Denver's face lit. "Make it five minutes, Missou, and Mac is safe. At least, I'm hoping so awful hard. Miss Helen wired for the militia from Sheridan this nothing. Chances are they're on that train. I couldn't tell you earlier because she made me promise not to.

"And that Denver, being some able-bodied and having a good reach, be requested to deliver same to the gent needing it," concluded Missou. Reddy backed in alarm to the wall. "Y'u boys don't want to get gay with me. Y'u can't monkey with " Motion carried unanimously. Just as Reddy whipped out his revolver Denver's long leg shot out and his foot caught the wrist behind the weapon.

"I believe he's daid, anyway," said Missou presently, peering down into the white face of the unconscious man. "Got to hang onto the remains, anyhow, for Miss Helen. Those coyotes are too much of the wolf breed to leave him with them." "Looks like they're gittin' the aim some better," equably remarked the other a minute later, when a spurt of sand flew up in front of him.

"Don't mind if I do. Here's how!" "How!" echoed Missou, in turn, and tipped up the bottle till the liquor gurgled down his baked throat. "He's fanning out his men so as to, get us both at the front and back door. Lucky there ain't but four of them." "I guess we better lie back to back," proposed Missou. "If our luck's good I reckon they're going to have a gay time rushing this fort."

Winslow, the housekeeper, assisted her, and the foreman stayed to help, but it was on the mistress of the ranch that the responsibility of saving him fell. Missou was already galloping to Bear Creek for a doctor, but the girl knew that the battle must be fought and the issue decided before he could arrive.

If y'u miss it, y'u'll feed at some other chuckhouse." Suddenly the drawl of his sarcasm vanished. His voice carried the ring of peremptory command. "Jim, y'u go back to the ranch with Miss Messiter, AND KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. Missou, I need y'u. We're going back. I reckon y'u better hang on to the stirrup, for we got to travel some. Adios, senorita!"

Hadn't been for that we could never have made it," said Missou, who never crossed a bridge until he came to it. "We haven't made it yet, old hoss, not by a long mile, and two more on top o' that. They're beginning to pump lead already. Huh! Got to drap your pills closer'n that 'fore y'u worry me."

"Now, ain't that like him? Had to run around like a locoed calf telling all he knowed and more till Burns ropes him in," commented the disgusted Missou. "Trouble with Reddy is he sets his mouth to working and then goes away and leaves it," mourned Jim Henson.

I guess this outfit ain't got no surcingle on me." Nevertheless, he made a hurried end of his breakfast and flung out of the tent. "Y'u boys hadn't ought to wound Reddy's tender feelings, and him so bent on matrimony!" said Denver innocently. "Get a move on them fried spuds and sashay them down this way, if there's any left when y'u fill your plate, Missou."

" loses by about half a second," continued Missou. "If Doc hadn't roped its hind laig " "Have some cigars, boys. I brought a box back with me." Reddy tossed a handful on the table, where they continued to lie unnoticed. " there's no telling what would have happened. As 'twas the old man got off with a " "Y'u bet, they're good cigars all right," broke in the propitiatory Reddy.