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"Can't see why you have to give up the dinner and drive me out of it as well because you have to go down to Apsley to-morrow," her husband had said when she had written to her hostess excusing their presence at dinner. "The reason's obvious," she replied equably.

Perhaps he could have faced this seven days' penance more equably if he had had the recollection of three well-employed weeks to sweeten it. Even this was denied him. Ever since he came on leave the weather had been abominable: high wind, incessant rain, all the elements conspiring to prevent the enjoyment of his hobby.

Was it so short a time since she had become acquainted with that man, one who scarcely ever went to church even, and who bore the death of his wife so equably? and yet here she was already communicating her secrets to him. It was true that he took an interest in her; and that, on her side she trusted him, and felt herself drawn towards him.

And how much more does this all apply when we see a man who makes himself unhappy, preventing by his very act of existence the happiness of another more equably tempered mortal! Now I believe this is the present case. Drusus, I understand, is leading a spare, joyless, workaday sort of existence, which is, or by every human law should be, to him a burden.

"Well, deuce a much indeed," returned Doctor Mangan, equably, "but it mightn't be so bad as that altogether! I have my little girl out for the first time to-day, Major. I wonder might I ask your man, that's looking after your young ladies, to have an eye to her, too?"

"I'll get the five hundred here for' you in an hour." "And about the five thousand dollars reward? I think I'd better have a word of writing on that." "You mean you don't trust me?" snapped the other. "I'm good for five million dollars to-morrow in this town." "I know you are in writing," agreed the other equably. "That's why I want your valued signature.

But the old Squire did not hear. He sat glum, pulling a whisker and keeping a sour eye on the bird, which was strutting about in rather foolish bewilderment at the pink peonies on the carpet. "I'm giving you every chance," he grumbled at length. "Oh, as for that," Sir Harry replied, equably, "have it out in the yard, if you please, on your own dunghill." "No. Indoors is bad enough."

Hatchard, raising his hand with great solemnity. "If I go, I never come back again." "I'll take care of that," said his wife, equably. "You are far more likely to ask to come back than I am." Mr.

For a time these were neglected as accidents, or palliated by such remedies as I knew of. But when I could no longer conceal from myself that these dreadful symptoms were moving forward forever, by a pace steadily, solemnly, and equably increasing, I endeavored, with some feeling of panic, for a third time to retrace my steps.

"Well, then, Rab will jeest let her have his bed," said the captain, equably brewing himself some whiskey-and-water, and so on through the evening, during which Mrs. Davidson by no means softened the trouble and inconvenience Bluebell's presence occasioned, whose spirits fell to their lowest depth. Was it to be wondered at that Harry Dutton recurred pretty constantly to her mind?