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Wilkins, her keen eyes full of sympathy and commendation as they rested on Christie's cheerful, earnest face. "Ef the sperrit moves you to speak, up and do it without no misgivin's.

"Away from this spot all the navies of the 'arth could not now carry us, until God's sun comes back in his course, to drive the winter away afore it. I have my misgivin's, gentlemen, touching this great floe that has got jammed in among these islands, whether it will ever move ag'in; for I don't think its coming in here is a common matter." "In which case, what would become of us, Stephen?"

He seemed all right, but I was agen him being a swell, till me daughter threatened she'd run away with him if I didn't let her have him peaceful, an' rememberin' me own youth, I let her have him in spite of me misgivin's.

I'd bet a stack of blues on it. You'll have to watch this fellow, Dad." The new foreman took his cue from the boss. None the less, he meant just what he said. "You better believe I'll watch him. I've had misgivin's about him for a right smart time." "He'll probably ride straight to his gang of rustlers. Well, he can't do us half as much harm there as here." "I'll git you both. Watch my smoke.

And, as Steve'll tell you, I said to him almost the same words you've been sayin'. If Malcolm's what he'd ought to be, I said, he'll be glad of the chance to prove how much he cares for your sister. But Steve appeared to have some misgivin's, and so " He paused, turned toward the door, and seemed to be listening. Caroline flashed an indignant glance at her brother.

You see he had his misgivin's about her from the fust, though he never let on what they was; but he hung on to her as a man will, sometimes, agin feelin's that have more sense in 'em than reason, like as not.

He had finished the packing in an old cowhide trunk which Custis had given him. "We's all gwine ter watch ye, boy, wid good wishes in our hearts and a whole lot er misgivin's a playin' roun' in our min'." "Don't yer worry 'bout me, Uncle Ben. I'se all right." He paused and whispered. "Ye didn't know dat Marse Robert done gimme five hundred dollars in gol' did ye?"

When she was young her mother never could pr'vail on her to set in the house stiddy and sew, and she used to have great misgivin's that Lo'isa never was going to be capable. How about those fish you caught this morning? good, were they? Mis Sands had dinner on the stocks when I got home, and she said she wouldn't fry any 'til supper-time; but I calc'lated to have 'em this noon.

Excepting her grandmother, Dawn was unattended, and as the young couple came down the aisle, by previous request of the bride, I had the honour of accompanying the old lady from the church, and she said, as we drove away over the scattered rose petals to be in readiness to receive the guests "I've done it give me little girl away, an' without misgivin's, for if she's as happy as I was she'll do.

"Forbye," Archie went on, pursuing his line of thought, "I've my misgivin's aboot wha wrote thae hymes. It wasna the deevil, an' it wasna Watts, an' it wasna yon great Methody body; they set them doon, nae doot but wha started them? I'm sair dootin' they had their rise amang the hills, the same whaur Dauvit saw the glory o' God." "Above the hills of time," I added softly.