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"Fine, my lord, fine, and I'll acknowledge that I've nae rooted objection in principle or in practice to fechtin' that is, when it's to serve a richt cause and there be a good chance o' victory, to say nothing o' profit. But a' thing maun be fair and aboveboard, and I'm dootin' whether that will be the case the mornin'. What I'm feared o' is no war, but black murder."

"Forbye," Archie went on, pursuing his line of thought, "I've my misgivin's aboot wha wrote thae hymes. It wasna the deevil, an' it wasna Watts, an' it wasna yon great Methody body; they set them doon, nae doot but wha started them? I'm sair dootin' they had their rise amang the hills, the same whaur Dauvit saw the glory o' God." "Above the hills of time," I added softly.

But King Dauvit himsel' was mair fearsome than me wi' blasphemers no' to ca' Margaret yin; but I'm mindin' that the Maister aye took anither way, a better yin, I'm dootin'. An' I'm feart I was mair like Dauvit, for a' I'd raither be like the Maister." "You have the right of it, Archie; He showed us the more excellent way."

We're gaun to get it ruch an roun', noo, Mirran. I was dootin this. But we'll defen', we'll defen'," added Thomas, who was, or, we rather suspect, imagined himself to be, a bit of a lawyer, ever since the affair of the duck-dub, during which he had picked up some law terms, but without any accompanying knowledge whatever of their import or applicability.

"Ye'll pray wi' me," he said gravely, "but it'll no' be the closin' prayer. I'm wearin' awa fast, but I'll no' leave ye till the morn, I'm dootin'. Pit up a bit prayer noo but there's ae thing dinna mind the Maister o' His promise to come again an' receive me till Himsel' no' that it isna a gowden word; but I want it keepit till the last an' it's the last word I want to hear.

It was an awfu' queer-like picture. I cud nether mak' heid nor tail o't. It was a' juist akinda greenichy-yallichy like, like's somebody had skelt a pottal o' green-kail or something on the sheet whaur the picture was. "I'm dootin' there's something wrang wi' the fokis," says Bandy Wobster.

"Ay," said Sanders, reluctantly. "I'm dootin' I'm sair dootin' she's but a flichty, licht-hearted crittur after a'." "I had ay my suspeecions o't," said Sanders. "Ye hae kent her langer than me," said Sam'l. "Yes," said Sanders, "but there's nae gettin' at the heart o' women. Man, Sam'l, they're desperate cunnin'." "I'm dootin't; I'm sair dootin't."

I'm not saying but you're a pretty man, and I've good looks enough for baith if I loved ye; but, man, my love would be a flame. Wid ye burn with me, lad; wid ye burn?" "I think I would too," said he, "for your een have started the bleeze a'ready, and I'm dootin' it'll finish in brimstane." "Ay, ay, Dan; I'm spaein' true.

"He gaed tae bed at half twa and wes oot in the fields by four, an' a 'm dootin' he never saw his bed. He 's lifted abune the body a'thegither, an' can hardly keep himsel' awa' frae the Hebrew at his breakfast. Ye 'll get a sermon the day, or ma name is no Peter Pitillo." Mains also declared his conviction that the invasion of mice would be dealt with after a Scriptural and satisfying fashion.

"Ay, Sandy," says I, "you'll go an' get the swine suppered an' your ither jobs dune, an', gin ten o'clock were here, you'll get a coo's drink, wi' plenty o' pepper in't, an' get to your bed. Thae washin'-hoose argeymints are affectin' your nervous system, I'm dootin'. Rin, noo, an' see an' stick in."