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In less than a month his aunt died and left him a farm in Oxford county, Maine! The human mind can pictur no grater misfortun than this. "No, my Irish frens, I am here as your naber and fren. I know YOU are honest in this Finian matter. "But let us look at them Head Centers.

I ken weel ye wad never hae me tak intil my hoose are that was na fit and a' the lads aboot the place frae ae mornin til anither!" "Indeed she is a frien o' mine, mem; and I hae never a dreid o' onything happenin ye wadna like. She's in ower sair trouble to cause ony anxiety. The fac' is, she's had a terrible misfortun!" The good woman started, drew herself up a little, and said hurriedly,

"Well, I don't see as how it shouldn't," replied Alice. "It's mis'ess's fortun' as 'as been my misfortun' ain't it now, sir? An' why shouldn't it be the other way next?" "I don't quite see how your mistress's fortune can be said to be your misfortune, Alice." "Anybody would see that, sir, as wasn't blinded by class-prejudices." "Class-prejudices!" exclaimed Mr. Greatorex, in surprise at the word.

'It's true enough in the main, he said, 'master, I could sift grain from husk here and there, but let it be as 'tis. What odds? I have gone against his plans; to my misfortun'. I can't help it; I should do the like to-morrow. As to character, them gentlefolks will search and search, and pry and pry, and have it as free from spot or speck in us, afore they'll help us to a dry good word! Well!

I feel more than other people do, and I show it more. It's my misfortun'. I really couldn't help thinking, as I sat taking in all this, that the misfortune extended to some other members of that family besides Mrs. Gummidge. But Mr. Peggotty made no such retort, only answering with another entreaty to Mrs. Gummidge to cheer up. 'I an't what I could wish myself to be, said Mrs. Gummidge.

A man may have had a misfortun' and been in the Church," said Joe, lowering his voice to an argumentative and feeling tone, "but that is no reason why you should put him out at such a time. Which I meantersay, if the ghost of a man's own father cannot be allowed to claim his attention, what can, Sir?

"That's the misfortun' of being men of property. What was your tax last year, Fosdick?" "I don't remember such trifles," said Fosdick. "I don't think they was taxes," said the girl, seriously; "they looked as if they was from a young lady." "Very likely they are from Fosdick's wife," said Dick. "She's rusticatin' in the country for the benefit of her health." "Maybe they're from yours, Mr.

Eh, I 'ad to get vexed wi' him soomtimes he would have 't ye know, as 'twere him as were th' owdest, an' he'd get up, when th' folks had called for me eh, I could scarce stand it!" "He'll be soom mad," cried our Tom, chuckling. "Nay, thou munnot mak' game o' th' poor owd chap's misfortun'," said his father with a tolerant air as he handed the empty basin to Annie.

'Stop a minit, replied Sam, running over the letter again, and pausing here and there, to reflect, as he did so. 'You've hit it. The gen'l'm'n as wrote it wos a-tellin' all about the misfortun' in a proper vay, and then my father comes a-lookin' over him, and complicates the whole concern by puttin' his oar in. That's just the wery sort o' thing he'd do. You're right, Mary, my dear.

And the Clancys is as good as the Rorkes, an' an oulder family, though we are down in the world, along wid bad luck an' misfortun'." "The Clancys is an ould ancient family," chimed in Roseen. Her grandfather turned to her, almost beside himself with exasperation. "Get in wid ye to the house this instant, as I bid ye, miss; or it'll be the worse for ye.