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To prevent further ministerial interposition, at a moment so pregnant with danger, the Emperor offered to place at my disposal, for the temporary satisfaction of the men, 200,000 milreis in paper currency not one-tenth of the value of the prizes if I would endeavour to rally them under the national flag, and merge my own injuries in oblivion, till he should be better able to do us justice.

The Junta of Fazenda having now assembled, I transmitted to them the following; Of the money and other property claimed by the squadron on the surrender of the Portuguese authorities of Maranham; in conformity to the laws relative to matters of prize, and the gracious decrees of His Imperial Majesty: Milreis.

Camillo, anxious to leave, was at a loss how much to pay; he did not know her fee. "Raisins cost money," he said, at length, taking out his pocket-book. "How much do you want to send for?" "Ask your heart," she replied. Camillo took out a note for ten milreis' and gave it to her. The eyes of the card-reader sparkled. Her usual fee was two milreis.

It is quite possible, that, in ignorance of the practices common amongst their predecessors of 1824, the present ministers of Brazil may imagine that the orders of His Majesty were complied with; but if so, the 40,000 milreis never reached me or the squadron. Had it done so, nothing can be more easy than to find my receipt for the amount, which I defy them to do.

While waiting to see the result of those proclamations Lord Cochrane received a message from Carvalho, offering him immediate payment of 400,000 milreis if he would abandon the imperial cause and go over to the republicans. "Frankness is the distinguishing character of free men," wrote Carvalho, "but your excellency has not found it in your connection with the Imperial Government.

Paul and Bob both laughed, and harder yet as the bright little animal shot a paw into Paul's pocket and adroitly drew out a Brazilian gold coin called a milreis, worth about fifty-four cents in American money. "You give five milreis, me give monk," said the old mulatto. Paul shook his head. "You give four milreis, me give monk." "No; that's more than I have of these coins."

* The following statistics may be of interest to mercantile men. They show that since the repression of the slave-trade in Angola the value of the exports in lawful commerce has steadily augmented. We have no returns since 1850, but the prosperity of legitimate trade has suffered no check. The duties are noted in Portuguese money, "milreis", each of which is about three shillings in value.

I have started him out in a carriage to view the wonders of this 'River of January. By-the-by, if you ever hope to attract, don't dream of mentioning figures in the presence of our mysterious Frenchman." "Why?" "The branch of mathematics known as simple addition seems to be the crowning glory of his intellect. He knows to a milreis the value of this building, from chimney-pot to cellar."

Not till July was anything done to satisfy the claims of the seamen for payment of their prize-money and the arrears of wages due to them, without which they refused to return to their work and render possible the equipment and despatch of the squadron; and even then only 200,000 milreis less than a tenth of the prize-money that was owing were granted as an instalment of the payment to be made to them.

It was you that made me sit up. By the way, old girl, let us cut out the reception. I want to call at the bank, and at a shop in the Rua Grande. You will be interested." Well, being a good and loving wife, she was interested deeply. Ten thousand pounds was Dom Corria's financial estimate of the services rendered by Philip, and Iris was absolutely dumfounded by the total in milreis.