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I have intimated to him that the burden of the business is too much for me, and that he must be extremely at a loss for the services of one to whom he was so much accustomed, and whose situation, I am confident, nobody else can satisfactorily fill. He went to bed very low-spirited. I am, etc. Next day I received another letter from M. Meneval as follows: I send you your letters.

I left without taking out the lamp; they began talking again, and Meneval and I awaited the end of the tete-a- tete, until five o'clock in the morning.

Lucien tendered his resignation, which was accepted, and he departed for Spain. This diplomatic mission turned to his advantage. It was necessary that one should veil the Machiavellian invention of the 'Parallel. See Meneval, tome iii. p. 105. Whoever wrote it Napoleon certainly planned its issue. See also Lanfrey, tome ii. p. 208; and compare the story in Iung's Lucien, tome ii. p. 490.

On the 16th of October at noon the Emperor left this residence with his suite, composed of the grand marshal, the Duke of Frioul; Generals Rapp, Mouton, Savary, Nansouty, Durosnell and Lebrun; of three chamberlains; of M. Labbe, chief of the topographical bureau; of M. de Meneval, his Majesty's secretary, and M. Yvan; and accompanied by the Duke of Bassano, and the Duke of Cadore, then minister of foreign relations.

The interlopers often landed and traded with the Indians along the coast. Meneval, the governor, complained bitterly of their arrogance. Sometimes, it is said, they pretended to be foreign pirates, and plundered vessels and settlements, while the aggrieved parties could get no redress at Boston.

Cloud Communications from M. de Meneval A week's conflict between friendship and pride My formal dismissal Petty revenge My request to visit England Monosyllabic answer Wrong suspicion Burial of my papers Communication from Duroc My letter to the First Consul The truth acknowledged. I shall now return to the circumstances which followed my first disgrace, of which I have already spoken.

De Meneval has told me that for an hour at a time he has sometimes talked in this strain of the most intimate thoughts and aspirations of his heart, while his courtiers have stood round in silence waiting for the instant when he would return once more to his practical and incisive self. 'The great ruler, said he, 'must have the power of religion behind him as well as the power of the sword.

Meneval came a dozen times to ask me if Prince Talleyrand had left. "He is there yet," said I. "I am sure of it, and yet I hear nothing."

The Relation de la Prise du Port Royal par les Anglois de Baston, written on the spot immediately after the event, says that, except that nobody was killed, the place was treated as if taken by assault. Meneval also says that the inhabitants were pillaged. Meneval au Ministre, 29 Mai, 1600; also Rapport de Champigny, Oct., 1690.

Messieurs Fain, Meneval, and Ivan once played a singular joke on Monsieur B. d'A , who, they knew, was subject to frequent attacks of gallantry. They dressed a young man in woman's clothes, and sent him to promenade, thus disguised, in an avenue near the chateau. Monsieur B. d'A was very near-sighted, and generally used an eyeglass.