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The next evening after Moses had been to the post office, he became aware of the startling fact that his mother had been peeking into his trousers pocket while she rearranged his neat little room, and made it look more spicy by the addition of a set of snow-white curtains. "'Pears to me Moses you have a lot of business agoin' on. Hope you ain't writin' to any girls but Melindy.

She may at times have felt somewhat disappointed when she thought how surely she could have had a baronet for a son-in-law, but in charity for the woman's weakness we will forbear. It is really wonderful how quickly news travels. Not a week had passed ere Mr. Spriggins came in with a double share of congratulation from himself and Melindy. "I tell ye what it is Mr.

Old "Spotty's" truancy was accounted for. But where was old "Spotty"? Melindy thought for a moment, and concluded very properly that the mother, considering the calf well-hidden, had slipped away to the spring for a drink.

And swinging it over her shoulder she went lightly up the path, her head to one side, her small mouth puckered in a vain effort to learn to whistle. What Melindy and her grandmother called the "Burnt Lands" was a strip of country running back for miles from the clearing.

An' I lived in one place where the lady got a lettah every othah day." "But I mean when the husband's gone for a long, long time, off to sea or to another country, and is dreadfully busy, like Captain Burrell is when he's on his ship." Melindy gave a short laugh. "Huh! Let me tell you, honey, when a man wants to write he's gwine to write, busy or no busy."

"Now look here, Moses Spriggins; I'm not a'goin' to stand no lecturin' from you, for if you don't like it, you can git as soon as you like, for there's Ben Buckler would give his eye tooth to cut you out!" "Come, come, Melindy; we won't say anything more about it.

"If that Moses ain't a-makin' a guy of himself a-dancin' I'd like to know," cried Melindy, as she emerged from the kitchen and caught a view of her better half in his inimitable polka feat. But Mr. Spriggin was unconcious of the fact and nothing happened to mar the effect of the successful attempt.

I don't know no more where they be than nothin'; they've strayed away into the woods, I guess, and I do'no' as the boys can skeer 'em up; besides, the boys is to school; h'm yis! Where did you and Melindy go that day arter berries?" "Up in the pine-lot, ma'am. You think you can't let us have the turkeys?" "Dew tell ef you went up there! It's near about the sightliest place I ever see.

For a few seconds he stood eyeing her, his head down and swinging from side to side. Then, seeming to conclude that she was not a formidable antagonist, he gave vent to a loud, grunting growl, and lurched forward upon the calf. With a wild scream, half of fury, half of fear, Melindy also darted forward, trusting that the animal would not really face her onslaught.

The goin' is terrible bad and Melindy will be kinder anxious, so good-bye," and the loquacious Moses made his exit in a style that might not, strictly speaking, be considered "good form." But the postscript most be attended to in the form of a second appearance. "I say, Mr. Lawson, when are you a-comin' out?