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He'll pick me up and give me a ride, and then it won't take so long." She walked along, turning back every now and then, as the sound of wheels came nearer and nearer. At last, "Good-morning, Eben!" she cried, smiling as the wagon drove up; "will you take me on a piece, please?" "Wal, I might, perhaps," admitted the driver, cautiously, "if I was sure you was all right, Mel'dy.

"Hold on a minute, and I'll help ye down. Wal, there!" as Melody sprang lightly from the wagon, just touching his hand by way of greeting as she went, "if you ain't the spryest ever I see!" "Good-by, Eben, and thank you ever so much," said the child. "Good-by, Jerry." "Come down an' see us, Mel'dy!" Eben called after her, as she turned toward-the house with unfaltering step.

Why, there's old Dr. Jalap, over to the Corners. He give Beulah Pegrum seven Liver Pills at one dose, and only charged her fifty cents, over 'n' above the cost of the pills. Now that's what I call doctorin', not but what I like Dr. Brown well enough. But Mel'dy well, there! and now to have her took off so suddin, and never to know whether she's buried respectable, or buried at all!

"You said that six years ago, do you know it? and Mandy isn't a bit worse than she was then." "Well, that's so," assented the man, after a thoughtful pause. "That is so, Mel'dy, though how you come to-know it is a myst'ry to me. Come to think of it, I dono but she's a leetle mite better than she was six years ago.

"It's just because you see her so much, Eben. that you can't tell. Besides, I can tell from Mandy's voice. "I swan!" replied Eben Loomis, simply. "'How do you do? 'How do you do? so that's the way you find out things, is it, Mel'dy? Well, you're a curus child, that's what's the matter with you. Where d'you say you was goin'?" he added, after a pause. "I didn't say," said Melody.

When I've had them weakly spells, the' warn't nobody but Mel'dy could ha' brought me out of 'em alive, well I know. She tended me and sung to me like all the angels in heaven, and when she'd lay her hand on me well, there! seems's though my narves 'ud quiet right down, and blow away like smoke. I've ben a well woman that is to say, for one that's always enjoyed poor health sence Dr.

Mis' Penny, if Rejoice Dale was to know that Mel'dy was made into gas " Martha Penny clutched the speaker's arm, and laid her hand over her mouth, with a scared look. The door of the bedroom had swung open in the breeze, and in the stress of feeling Mandy Loomis had raised her voice higher and higher, till the last words rang through the house like the wail of a sibyl.