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He walked along in silence for a few minutes, and then said, "'Tis curus how folks kin sometimes change 'emselves, one way or the other. 'Tain't so with critturs; 't least so fur's I've obsarved. The way they're born, that way they'll stay. Now look at them oxen! When they was young steers, hardly more'n calves, I began to train them critturs.

Again George reddened, fidgeted on his chair, and at last said, in a disturbed, but quite distinct voice, "I think the apples are good, Miss Sally, if the name don't suit you." "The name's too bad to be good, sir!" retorted Sally, with a decided sniff and toss of the head. Old Zekle gave a low laugh and interfered. "You see, George Tucker, these here times is curus!

"His head turn wid de scare, probumbly," soliloquized Primus, loud enough to be heard by the captive. "I curus to larn how you fall in. Ebberybody know dis hole, Missa Basset." "Haul me out, and I'll let you know."

I swan 't makes me feel curus when I think what children du contrive to get pleased, and likewise riled about! One day I rec'lect Hetty'd stepped onto my biggest clam-shell and broke it, and I up and hit her a switch right across her pretty lips.

'Curus kind o' Christian dooty, This 'ere cuttin' folks's throats. The ground of the commandment is not given, seeing that conscience is expected to admit its force as soon as stated. But its place at the head of the second table brings it into connection with the first commandment, and suggests that man's life is sacred because he is the image of God.

I looked round to see what was a-comin', and there, about a quarter of a mile off, I see the most curus thing I ever see before or since, a cloud as black as ink in the sky, and hangin' down from it a long spout like, something like an elephant's trunk, and the whole world under it looked to be all beat to dust.

The letter was rather a long one, and closed thus. Referring to the verses enclosed, the writer says: If you print em I wish you'd jest let folks know who hosy's father is, cos my ant Kesiah used to say it's nater to be curus ses she, she aint livin though and he's a likely kind o lad. The letter and the poem were printed together in the Courier, and immediately were the talk of the town.

In this menagerie I specially remarked a very extraordinary animal, which his Majesty had ordered brought to France, but which had died the day before it was to have started. This animal was from Poland, and was called a 'curus'; it was a kind of ox, though much larger than an ordinary ox, with a mane like a lion, horns rather short and somewhat curved, and enormously large at the base.

"Well, chillun," said Mammy, plucking away at the chicken, "dat's so; it is a curus name like; me'n de ole man he dead an' gone, chillun, long fo' you was born; me'n de ole man 'sulted long time 'bout dat chile's name an' he war goin' on six months old fo' we name him at all." "Well, how did you happen to call him Grief?" insisted Joe. "Yes, honey, yes.

"It's just because you see her so much, Eben. that you can't tell. Besides, I can tell from Mandy's voice. "I swan!" replied Eben Loomis, simply. "'How do you do? 'How do you do? so that's the way you find out things, is it, Mel'dy? Well, you're a curus child, that's what's the matter with you. Where d'you say you was goin'?" he added, after a pause. "I didn't say," said Melody.