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"Thee meanth Couthin Dick. He'th got Krithmath." "Where's your mother?" "Dead." "And your father?" "In orthpittal." There was a laugh somewhere on the outskirts of the crowd. Every one faced angrily in that direction, but the laugher had disappeared. Yuba Bill, however, sent his voice after him. "Yes, in hospital! Funny, ain't it? amoosin' place! Try it.

I dithcovered that he's in wi' Jock Allan and that crowd I edged the conversation round on purpoth! Unless he wath blowing his trump which I greatly doubt they're as thick as thieveth. Ye ken what that meanth. He'll turn hith wee finger to the ceiling oftener than he puts hith forefinger to the pen, I'm thinking. It theemth he drinkth enormuth!

'But, do you know, I don't admire him half ath much ath Mr Rowland Prothero. Mamma thaith he ith tho gentlemanlike and that the meanth to athk him Tuethday. 'Really! again said Freda, not daring to look at Miss Hall. 'We are going to Llanfach to-morrow to hear him preach. Hith thermon wath beautiful in the school-room. Don't you think he ith like the picture at the beginning of "Evangeline."

''Tis an unaisy way you're situated yourself, I'm afeard, observed the man. 'Have the goodness to say, Sir, by what meanth, if any, I can reach either bank of the river, lisped Puddock, with dignity. ''Tis thrue for you, captain, that's the chat how the divil to get you alive out o' the position you're in. Can you swim? 'No, Thir. 'An' how the dickens did you get there?