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Tall, dark, clever, with eyes like glowing coals; decided, ready in conversation as in business, like an officer long used to command, always trusted, always obeyed; one yielded oneself involuntarily to her matter-of- course way of arranging everything, and she was obliging, even self-sacrificing, to those she liked it was true that that was not everybody.

I take it that we all, even those who appear the most matter-of- fact in their minds and lives, have something of the root, the elements, of poetry in their composition. How should it be otherwise, seeing that we are all creatures of like passions, all in some degree dreamers of dreams; and as we all possess the faculty of memory we must at times experience emotions recollected in tranquillity.

"Then," said a gentle, graceful looking girl, spreading her embroidery out on her lap with her slim white fingers, "then there'll be fighting." It was given, this announcement, with the coolest matter-of- fact assurance. "Who is going to fight?" was the next question. The former speaker gave a glance up to see if her audience was safe, and then replied as coolly as before.

Having been despatched ostensibly with full powers as harbinger of the formal embassy to be sent later, Catherine carried through her part of the negotiations with expedition, prudence and entire success. It shows how such unconventional democracy and matter-of- fact respect for spiritual values existed in the later middle ages, that no one seems to have been surprised at the situation.

Wilkins sometimes replied, partly with a view of saying something pleasant to the man whom he disliked and feared. Mr. Dunster always replied, in a meek matter-of- fact tone, "Oh, sir, they wouldn't like to talk over their affairs with a subordinate." And every time he said this, or some speech of the same kind, the idea came more and more clearly into Mr.