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You say your time was up some time ago." "Perhaps," he returned, staring into the distances. "That's what I was going out to ascertain. I thought I might have a few days of grace allowed me." He turned his eyes directly upon her, and concluded, in a matter-of- fact tone: "That's why I can't quit, now that you've set me in motion again, now that you've given me another chance.

Ever been to Brighton? There it 's t' other way. Not long after he had mentioned the time of early evening for their entry into his port of Harwich, the coach turned quietly over on a bank of the roadside, depositing outside passengers quite safely, in so matter-of- course a way, that only the screams of an uninjured lady inside repressed their roars of laughter.

"It makes all the difference when you're in authority, and have some stake in the school." This chance remark set Merle thinking, and she thought to some purpose. Her natural disposition was always to obtain results by blunt, matter-of- fact methods.

"Do you find it anything like the thing expected?" No New Yorker can allow a stranger to be unimpressed with that sky-line. "I didn't have no notion what to expect." Samson's voice was matter-of- fact. "I 'lowed I'd jest wait and see." He followed Lescott out to the foot of Twenty-third Street, and stepped with him into the tonneau of the painter's waiting car.

He would not accept the best argumentative burr that our chauffeur could produce as sufficient explanation or guarantee. Most Scottish of Scots in physiognomy and shrewd matter-of- factness, as revealed in the glare of the lantern, he might have been on watch in the Highland fastnesses in Prince Charlie's time. "Captain R , of the Royal Navy!" explained the officer, introducing himself.

Various passengers now began to turn their interest to the life of the ship. There was talk of luncheon, of steamer chairs, of asking the stewardess for jars to hold flowers. Susan had drawn back from the rail, no one on the ship knew her, but somebody on the pier might. "Now let us go find Mrs. O'Connor," Stephen said, in a matter-of- fact tone.

"I'd do a great deal more than that to please you, Peggy, if you would give me the chance!" This was dreadful. He was growing sentimental, gazing at her with an expression which filled her with embarrassment, and speaking in a tone which implied even more than the words. She could not snub him in the face of an offered service; the only hope was to be brisk and matter-of- fact.

"In a week we can come and take him out," he remarked in a matter-of- fact way. "By that time he will be dead, and we can have his grave ready." He laughed again, as he thought of the sensations his cheerful talk must produce in the mind of the man below. "Yes," said Malipieri. "We may as well do it at once and go to bed. It is of no use to sit up all night talking about the fellow's body.

A short time after the interview Darton was united to Helena at a simple matter-of fact wedding; and she and her little girl joined the boy who had already grown to look on Darton's house as home. For some months the farmer experienced an unprecedented happiness and satisfaction. There had been a flaw in his life, and it was as neatly mended as was humanly possible.

I repeat that this is certain, and allow me to add that they are, for some reason, convinced that you are a spy, and that if you haven't informed against them yet, you will. Is that true?" Shatov made a wry face at hearing such a question asked in such a matter-of fact tone. "If I were a spy, whom could I inform?" he said angrily, not giving a direct answer.