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"Why, Rais! what ails you?" demanded Colonel Langley in surprise, not unmingled with anger, for he had, on leaving home, placed the interpreter in charge of his family in his suburban villa. "Oh! mass'r," said Ali piteously; "yous no know wat dangers me hab if de janissary cotch me. Life not wuth wone buttin." "Rascal!" exclaimed the Colonel, "did I not charge you to guard my household?

"Ho!" remarked Sambo; and the grin with which the remark was accompanied seemed to imply that he not only appreciated his master's sentiment, but agreed with it entirely. "You've got eleven men, I trust. Sambo?" "Yes, mass'r." "All good and true, I hope men who can be trusted both in regard to their fighting qualities and their ability to hold their tongues."

Prince done tried himself wid Mass'r Richard 'fore dis, and he allus come in de stable meek as a lamb. When Mass'r Richard's got dat dumb debil in him, he'd ride a ragin' lion, and bring him home like a lamb." "It's not that, Harriet; it's not that. But if he meet Master John there will be trouble and O, the sin of it." "Dat am true as preachin', Miss Phill." "If I could only see John Millard."

"No, mass'r, ne'er a stroke. I knows daat, 'kase he once falled into de bayou, and Ole Zip pull 'im out. No he nebber swim nebber." "Then I fear he is lost indeed." I remembered that the wreck went down before the Magnolia had got close alongside. I had noticed this on looking around. Those who could not swim, therefore, must have perished. "Poor Pierre, too. We hab lost Pierre." "Pierre?

"Scipio wanted, mass'r daat him bell be back, 'gain in a minute, mass'r." So saying, the negro left me, and ran towards the house. I lay reflecting on the singular somewhat romantic situation in which circumstances had suddenly placed me.

"Den when Mass'r Richard gits one of dem letters, he sits so quiet-like, thinking and smiling to himself, and ef you speak to him, he answers you kind ob far-away, and gentle. I done tried him often. But he didn't look like dat at all when he git de letter dis morning. Mass'r Richard got powerful high temper, Miss Phill." "Then take care and not anger him, Harriet."

Cassie never do fix de curtains right; she's not got de hang ob dem, Miss Phill; so I jist made up my mind to do 'em myself; and while I was busy as a honey-bee 'bout dem, Mass'r Richard, he walk proud-like up to Mass'r John, and say, 'he want to speak a few words wid him. Den I kind ob open my ears, case, Miss Phill, when gen'lemen want to 'say a few words, dey're most ob de time onpleasant ones."

A doubt, the faintest shadow of a doubt, in such a case, falls on the soul with the weight of mountain certainty; and in that short ride she felt what an infinite pain may be locked in one small, silent breast. The wagon drew up to the house of mourning. Cato stood at the gate, and came forward, officiously, to help them out. "Mass'r and Missis will be glad to see you," he said.

I could hear several of the negroes nearest me muttering some words of caution, as though meant for me; among others the cry of "De oberseer! de oberseer! Look out, mass'r! Dar he kum!" At that moment an abominable oath, uttered in a loud voice, reached my ears. I looked in the direction whence it came. As I anticipated, it was the overseer.

Delicately as it was conveyed, I understood the insinuation. "Ho! Aurore must be beautiful, then? Is it so, friend Scipio?" "Mass'r, 'taint for dis ole nigger to judge 'bout daat; but folks dey say bof white folks an black folks daat she am de best-lookin' an hansomest quaderoom in all Loozyanna." "Ha! a quadroon?"