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A few markers of the simplest, and a plain tablet now and then where a hero fell or valour was unusually conspicuous, should suffice, for a field is more impressive that lies for the most part in its original rudeness and solitude. At Antietam I found little obtrusive.

Eleven thousand dollars were already in the pot, and the markers were heaped in a confused pile in the centre of the table. "I ain't go no more markers," Kearns remarked plaintively. "We'd best begin I.O.U.'s." "Glad you're going to stay," was MacDonald's cordial response. "I ain't stayed yet. I've got a thousand in already. How's it stand now?"

"If it was an elephant we might trail him," suggested Teddy. "That's not a half bad idea. The dust is quite thick. I wish we had thought to bring a torch with us." "I'll tell you where we can get one." "Where?" "One of the markers set up to guide the wagon drivers to the railroad yards. There's a couple on the next street above here. I saw them just a minute ago." "Teddy you are a genius.

Throngs of gowned men, crooked, bearded, filthy, vulture-eyed, crowded upon each other in a narrow public place, talking in quick, shrill accents, gesticulating, with hands and arms and heads and bodies, laughing, chuckling, chattering, hook-nosed and loose-lipped, grasping fat purses in lean fingers, shaking greasy curls that straggled out under caps of greasy fur, glancing to right and left with quick, gleaming looks that pierced the gloom like fitful flashes of lightning, plucking at each other by the sleeve and pointing long fingers and crooked nails, two, three and four at a time, as markers, in their ready reckoning, a writhing mass of humanity, intoxicated by the smell of gold, mad for its possession, half hysteric with the fear of losing it, timid, yet dangerous, poisoned to the core by the sweet sting of money, terrible in intelligence, vile in heart, contemptible in body, irresistible in the unity of their greed the Jews of Prague, two hundred years ago.

"The men are playing with markers. That means the roof is the limit. One man play yellow markers maybe one yellow marker worth one thousand dollars, maybe two thousand dollars. One man play red markers. Maybe they are worth five hundred dollars, maybe one thousand dollars. It is a very big game. Everybody play very high, up to the roof. How do I know?

The fusilade has begun. Privates Ogg and Hogg are in charge of Number Thirteen target. They are beguiling the tedium of their task by a friendly gamble with the markers on Number Fourteen Privates Cosh and Tosh. The rules of the game are simplicity itself. After each detail has fired, the target with the higher score receives the sum of one penny from its opponents.

He put into his cabinet each time certain sounders, markers, and lamps, which could be moved, ticked, or lighted only by hands in the cabinet, and he kept the same rigid control of his medium outside the cabinet. For the most part she was in the light.

Sergeant Ripsy, with a face quite as scarlet as his uniform, buzzed about like a vicious hornet, and, perspiring at every pore, yelled at the guides and markers, letting fly snapping shots of words that were certainly not included in the code of military instructions.

Garrick shook his head mournfully. "They had just time enough," he remarked, "to destroy about everything they wanted to and carry off the rest." "All except the markers," I corrected. "That was just a lucky chance," he returned. "Still, it throws an interesting sidelight on the case." "It doesn't add much in my estimation to the character of Forbes," I ventured, voicing my own suspicions.

I was just going away, when I heard a loud laugh on the stairs, and immediately afterwards Thornton entered, joking with one of the markers. He did not see me; but approaching the table, drew out the identical twenty pound note I had given him, and asked for change with the air of a millionaire. I did not wait to witness his fortune, good or ill; I cared too little about it.