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Even the number of layers is variable; it was observed to be five in my plants; but in larger roots double this number and even more may easily be met with. Some authors have distinguished specific types among these wild forms. While the cultivated beets are collected under the head of Beta vulgaris, separate types with more or less woody roots have been described as Beta maritima and Beta patula.

Our common Cicindela campestris frequents grassy banks and is of a beautiful green colour, while C. maritima, which is found only on sandy sea-shores, is of a pale bronzy yellow, so as to be almost invisible. A great number of the species found by myself in the Malay islands are similarly protected.

Consult Aristotle, Meteor, ii., I, 14; De mirabilibus auscutationibus, p. 100; Theophrastus, Historia Plantarum, iv., 7; Arienus, Ora Maritima, v., 408; Humboldt, Cosmos, tom. ii.; Gaffarel, La Mer des Sargasses; Leps, Bulletin de la Soc. The fourth day of the ides of March snow-covered mountains were observed. The sea runs strongly to the west and its current is as rapid as a mountain torrent.

The tree which has been fonnd to thrive best upon the sand-hills of the French coast, and at the same time to confine the sand most firmly and yield the largest pecuniary returns, is the maritime pine, Pinus maritima, a species valuable both for its timber and for its resinous products.

While he was engaged in his campaigns in Romagna, his father was endeavoring to seize the hereditary possessions of the Roman barons. He first attacked the Gaetani. From the end of the thirteenth century this ancient family had held large landed estates in the Campagna and Maritima. It had divided into several branches, one of which was settled in the vicinity of Naples.

SEA-PEAS. Pisum maritimum. These peas have a bitterish disagreeable taste, and are therefore rejected when more pleasant food is to be got. In the year 1555 there was a great famine in England, when the seeds of this plant were used as food, and by which thousands of families were preserved. SEA-WORMWOOD. Artemisia maritima.

Infusions made from the fresh flowers are gently laxative and aperient; when dry, they are said to promote chiefly the cuticular excretion, and to be particularly serviceable in erysipetalous and eruptive disorders. Woodville's Med. Bot. 598. SCILLA maritima. SQUILL. Root. L. E. D. This root is to the taste very nauseous, intensely bitter and acrimonious; much handled, it exulcerates the skin.

The leaves are frequently employed in discutient and antiseptic fomentations; and have been recommended also in lotions and unguents for cutaneous eruptions, and the falling off of the hair. ARTEMISIA maritima. SEA WORMWOOD. Tops. D. In taste and smell, it is weaker and less unpleasant than the common worm-wood.

Erythrina Crista-galli was introduced about 1770, and produced its first sport in 1884, after more than a century of cultivation. Begonia semperflorens has been cultivated since 1829, and for half a century before it commenced sporting. The same length of time has elapsed between the first culture and the first variation of Crambe maritima.

In this way the close and careful distinction of the really existing units might perhaps prove of practical importance. MacFarlane has studied the beach-plum or Prunus maritima, which is abundant along the coast regions of the Eastern States from Virginia to New Brunswick. It often covers areas from two to two hundred acres in extent, sometimes to the exclusion of other plants.