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In the next reign, the empire had already recoiled within its former limits; and in two reigns further on, under Marcus Antoninus, though a prince of elevated character and warlike in his policy, we find such concessions of territory made to the Marcomanni and others, as indicate too plainly the shrinking energies of a waning empire.

Since they were not covetous, Guen. Gr renders: though they were not equally desirous of it. Notum auditur. The Elbe had been seen and crossed by Drusus Domitius, and Tiberius. But now it was known only by hearsay. See a like patriotic complaint at the close of 37. XLII. Marcomanni==men of the marches. See Latham in loc Sedes, sc. Bohemia. Pulsis olim Boiis, cf. 28.

He was great as ruler, as he was profound as a philosopher. We have but little information of the long contest with Germans, Sarmatians, Marcomanni, Quadi, and Alani, on the banks of the Danube, who were pressed forward by the Scythian tribes.

Let men see, let them know a real man who lives as he was meant to live. If they cannot endure him, let them kill him. For that is better than to live as men do." Such were some of the thoughts which Marcus Aurelius wrote in his diary after days of battle with the Quadi, and the Marcomanni, and the Sarmatae.

SOME months later, during one of the brief and infrequent breathing spells in his ten years' fight to beat off the raids of the Marcomanni and other Germanic tribes, Aurelius returned from the Rhine frontier to Rome.

Commodus erected to the memory of his father the Antonine column which is now in the Piazza Colonna at Rome. The bassi rilievi which are placed in a spiral line round the shaft commemorate the victories of Antoninus over the Marcomanni and the Quadi, and the miraculous shower of rain which refreshed the Roman soldiers and discomfited their enemies.

He began his despicable career as sole ruler by buying peace of the Marcomanni and the Quadi. He turned out to be a detestable tyrant, who was likewise guilty of the worst personal vices. He was strangled in his bedroom by one of his concubines, Marcia, with the assistance of others, all of whom he was intending to kill.

Marcomanni, a nation of the Suevi, whom Cluverius places between the Rhine, the Danube and the Neckar; who settled, however, under Maroboduus, in Bohemia and Moravia. The name Marcomanni signifies border-men. Germans, G. i. 51 Mars, G. vi. 17 Marsi, an ancient people of Italy inhabiting the country now called Ducato de Marsi, C. ii. 27

Upon the death of his father, Commodus found himself embarrassed with the command of a great army, and the conduct of a difficult war against the Quadi and Marcomanni. The servile and profligate youths whom Marcus had banished, soon regained their station and influence about the new emperor.

"They have kept the old German home-feeling all unchanged. There is a certain Bärnthaler over there at the foot of the mountains who is worthy to be a native of the Fatherland, a noble-looking fellow, with the lion-front of a young Marcomannic chief." "The Marcomanni were a Suevic race, were they not?"