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The result of his meeting with the foreman would come back on him later, he knew, and it was as well that he was prepared. The meeting had been unfortunate, but, judging by what he had heard of Jake in Forks, he must inevitably have crossed the bully sooner or later; Jake himself would have seen to that. Diane Marbolt paused as she came to the verandah. They had not spoken since their greeting.

Before he realized what was happening the blind man was at his side with a grip on his arm that made him wince. "Stop it!" he cried fiercely. "Stop it, you fool! Another word and, blind as I am, I'll " Jake struggled to release himself, but Marbolt held him with almost superhuman strength and slowly backed him from his intended victim. "Back! Do you hear?

Tresler," the girl hurried on, leaning suddenly forward in her chair, and reaching out until her small brown hand rested on his arm, "please, please promise me that you won't run foul of Jake. He is terrible. You don't, you can't know him, or you would understand your danger." "On the contrary, Miss Marbolt.

Diane listened to the horrible suggestion without misgiving, merely remarking in true wifely fashion "Don't be absurd, Jack!" At which Fyles smiled with appreciation. Then he coughed to bring them to seriousness, and produced an official envelope from his tunic pocket. "I've just brought you the verdict on your property, Miss Marbolt," he said deliberately. "Shall I read it to you, or would you ?"

"An'?" There was a tense restraint in the monosyllable. Tresler shrugged. "Miss Marbolt is my promised wife." There was a deathly silence after his announcement. Tresler looked out over the ranch. He seemed to see everything about him at once; even Jake was in the strained focus, although he was not looking at him. His nerves were strung, and seemed as though they were held in a vice.

But the storm held off, controlled by that indomitable will which made Julian Marbolt an object of fear to all who came into contact with him. "You are an ungrateful girl, a foolish girl," he said quietly. "You are ungrateful that you refuse to obey me; and foolish, that you think to marry him." Diane sprang to her feet. "I how " "Tut! Do not protest. I know you have promised to be his wife.

But Tresler had no desire that she should pass him in that casual fashion, and, with a disarming smile, hailed her. "Don't change a good mind, Miss Marbolt," he cried. Whereat the blush returned to the girl's cheek intensified, for she knew that he had seen her intention. This time, however, she pulled up decidedly, and turned a smiling face to him.

This morning's business was only a sequel to your meeting with Jake, or rather a beginning of the sequel." Tresler shook his head and smiled. "Not the beginning of the sequel. That occurred last evening, after I left you." Diane looked a swift inquiry. "Yes, Jake is not an easy man. But believe me, Miss Marbolt, you need have no fear.

Jake's arms dropped to his sides, and his attitude relaxed with a suddenness that was almost ludicrous. The white dress fluttered toward him, and Tresler turned and raised his prairie hat. He gave the foreman no heed whatever. The man might never have been there. He took a step forward. "Miss Marbolt, I believe," he said. "Forgive me, but it seems that, being a stranger, I must introduce myself.

Neither seemed inclined to break up the awkwardness of the pause. For the time the man's thoughts were wandering in interested speculation as to the possibilities of his future on the ranch. He was not thinking so much of Jake, nor even of Julian Marbolt. It was of the gentler associations with the girl beside him associations he had never anticipated in his wildest thoughts.