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"It's going to snow " she said, as she stood beside him, surprised by the sound of her own voice amid the roar of the wind. "Aye it's onding o' snaw " said the shepherd, his shrewd blue eyes travelling over her face and form. "An' it'll mappen be a rough night." "Are you taking your sheep into shelter?" He pointed to a half-ruined fold, with three sycamores beside it, a stone's throw away.

He too seemed, by his manners, to have entered a little more on the way of humility; he was quieter, and less self-asserting. 'So th' oud gentleman's away on his travels, is he? said he. 'Little 'uns telled me so. Eh! but they're sharp 'uns, they are; I a'most think they beat my own wenches for sharpness, though mappen it's wrong to say so, and one on 'em in her grave.

Besides, you could never pay to get mother and children all there that's one good thing. 'I've reckoned for that. One house mun do for us a', and the furniture o' t'other would go a good way. And men theer mun have their families to keep mappen six or seven childer.

He was anxious to prove the excellence of his vehicle; so he dragged me on in it, until we had nearly reached the boundary of our grounds, where the two tall, ragged old cedar-trees marked the extreme point of the evergreen shrubbery, and the view of the neighborhood lies before us. He stopped there and said, "Ye'll mappen like to look abroad a bit, and I'se go on to the post-office.

"And you really want me to stay?" repeated Laura insistently, addressing Mrs. Mason. "Yo're welcome," was the stiff reply. "Nobbut yo'd been mair welcome if yo hadna brokken t' Sabbath to coom here. Mappen yo'll goa wi' Polly, an tak' your bonnet off." Laura hesitated a moment longer, bit her lip, and went. Polly Mason was a great talker.

"Aye, it's a bit dampish," said Dixon, as he brought a couple more logs to replenish a fire that seemed to have no heart for burning. The absurd moderation of the statement irritated the person to whom it was addressed. "What I'm thinkin'" said Mrs. Dixon, impatiently, as she moved to the window "is that they'll mappen not get here at all! The watter'll be over t' road by Grier's mill.

Boucher, feebly, beginning to cry for the first time, at this rough probing of her sorrows. 'He were found drowned. He were coming home very hopeless o' aught on earth. He thought God could na be harder than men; mappen not so hard; mappen as tender as a mother; mappen tenderer. I'm not saying he did right, and I'm not saying he did wrong.

"Measter," said I, "if I dunnot see her afore hoo goes, I'll strive to get up to Lunnun next Whissuntide, that I will. I'll not be baulked of saying her good-bye by any relations whatsomdever." But, bless yo', I knowed yo'd come. It were only for to humour the measter, I let on as if I thought yo'd mappen leave Milton without seeing me. 'You're quite right, said Margaret.

Such as Boucher 'twould be settin' him up too much to liken him to a daisy; he's liker a weed lounging over the ground mun just make up their mind to be put out o' the way. I'm sore vexed wi' him just now. So, mappen, I dunnot speak him fair. I could go o'er him wi' a plough mysel', wi' a' the pleasure in life. 'Why? What has he been doing? Anything fresh? 'Ay, to be sure.

He could hear the old man's plaintive cogitations over the strange experience which had blanched his hair and beard and brought him a visible step nearer to his end. "Soombody towd my owd woman tudther day, Misther Helbeck, at yoong Mason o' t' Browhead had been i' th' park that neet. Mappen tha'll tell me it was soom gell body he'd been coortin. Noa! he doan't gaa about wi' the likes o' thattens!