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"I was nevah lowed to go out an soshiate with de othah slaves much. I was in de house all time." "I went to prayer meetins every Sunday monin and evenin." "Sometimes dey could have a good time in de evenin and sometimes day couldn." "Chrismas was a big time for everyone. In the manshun we allus had roast pig and a big feed. I could have anythin I want. New Years was the big aukshun day.

All day hollerin on de block. Dey come from all ovah to Richmond to buy and sell de slaves." "Butchern day sho was a big time. A big long table with de pigs laid out ready to be cut up." "Lots of big parties an dances in de manshun. I nevah have time foh play. Mrs, she keep me busy and I work when I jus little girl and all mah life."

"An' you think, too, that they've all gone some distance out of rifle shot?" "Not a doubt of it, but why do you ask, Jim?" "You see a lot uv dead wood layin' in the bushes not twenty feet from the door uv our manshun. I'd like to drag it in an' cook that thar deer afore it sp'ils. We've some wood already, but we need more.

"And live on Fifth Avenoo," said Dick. "Perhaps so. Stranger things have happened." "Well," said Dick, "if such a misfortin' should come upon me I should bear it like a man. When you see a Fifth Avenoo manshun for sale for a hundred and seventeen dollars, just let me know and I'll buy it as an investment." "Two hundred and fifty years ago you might have bought one for that price, probably.

One day I come down stair too fas and slip an fall. Right den I tile de Mrs. I couldn wear dem big heavy shoes and besides da makes mah feet so sore." "Bof de Mrs. and de Master sickly. An their chillun died. Da live in a big manshun house. Sho we had an overseer on de plantashun. De poor white people da live purty good, all dat I seed. It was a big plantashun.

"Yes, sir," said Dick, always ready to joke; "I have to pay such a big rent for my manshun up on Fifth Avenoo, that I can't afford to take less than ten cents a shine. I'll give you a bully shine, sir." "Be quick about it, for I am in a hurry. So your house is on Fifth Avenue, is it?" "It isn't anywhere else," said Dick, and Dick spoke the truth there.

The heroick youth obade. After a pause the offisser hentered the manshun. "Is thare any men in this 'ere hous?" sez he. "Not as I nose on," replied the damsell. "Then," sez the offisser, "I gess I'll stop awhile myself." He stopped a our. After witch he stopped anuther our; after witch he continuood to stop. During this time John Jones was garspin for breath.

He knew that the turkeys would not stir, and he went back to the hut to resume his watch. Just before the first dawn he awoke Henry. "Henry," he said, "a lot uv foolish wild turkeys hev gone to rest on the limb of a tree not twenty yards from this grand manshun uv ourn. 'Pears to me that wild turkeys wuz made fur hungry fellers like us to eat.

I've hired a room in Mott Street, and have got a private tooter, who rooms with me and looks after my studies in the evenin'. Mott Street aint very fashionable; but my manshun on Fifth Avenoo isn't finished yet, and I'm afraid it won't be till I'm a gray-haired veteran. I've got a hundred dollars towards it, which I've saved up from my earnin's.