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A chamber plain to meanness there seemed nothing here to help him to a solution. The few antlered stag-heads upon the walls were mangey and dusty; the strip of arras that swayed softly in the draught of a window only sufficed to accentuate the sordid nature of that once pretentious interior.

Afterwards the dream became absurd: she showed him the black leopard's fur as though it was a rug, and it was now moth-eaten and mangey, the leopard skin that had been so bright and wonderful such a little time ago, and he awoke before he could answer her, and for a long time he was full of unspoken answers explaining that in view of her deliberate unfaithfulness the position she took up was absurd.

The canary died and was buried when Evelyn had a cold and was in bed, and Henrietta went by herself into the town, contrary to rules, and spent all her savings at a little, low bird-shop getting a mangey canary. She brought it back and put it into the cage, and when Evelyn, convalescent, came into the nursery, she attempted to palm off the new canary as Evelyn's original bird.

Now, you stare-coated, mangey, bandy-legged, misbegotten, out-law coyote, fly! fly! whoops Aggy, jumping four foot in the air, 'before I squirt enough lead into your system to make it a paying job to melt you down! "The stage driver acted according to orders.

Brit., 'Psychology, 11th ed., p. 577. Ed. 1898, p. 90. Discours sur la Méthode, 1637, IVe Partie. Aliotta, op. cit., p. 408. Ed. 1893, vol. ii, p. 759. First Principles, 6th ed., 1900, vol. i, p. 67. Article, 'Moses, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1913. Ed. Mangey, vol. i, pp. 44, 49. Ibid., pp. 80-179. Ibid., pp. 308, 427. Ibid., pp. 213, 121, 562, 691. Conf. x, 13, 2.

'All right, Governors Both, returned the ghost, carefully closing the room door; ''tickler business. Mortimer lighted the candles. They showed the visitor to be an ill-looking visitor with a squinting leer, who, as he spoke, fumbled at an old sodden fur cap, formless and mangey, that looked like a furry animal, dog or cat, puppy or kitten, drowned and decaying.

The immoral conduct of one bad man is more conspicuous than the unobtrusive holiness of ninety-nine good men; more especially, when a professor becomes profane. Thus Bunyan argues, 'One black sheep is quickly espied among five hundred white ones, and one mangey one will soon infect many.

Her city eyes, untrained to nature's hints, failed to notice that the scraggy, smoke-dwarfed oak that sprang, somehow, miraculously, from the mangey little dirt-plot in front of the building had developed surprising things all over its scrawny branches overnight.

Jim came to himself just in time to save his leg from a prod from the spikes. "Chiniquy, Chiniquy," he said gravely, "I understand now something of the hatred the French bear your illustrious namesake. But no matter what the man's sins may have been, surely he did not deserve to have a little flea-bitten, mangey, treacherous, mouse-coloured deceiver like you named for him."

But mostly, it sure don't smell right and it danged well don't taste right. "Phooey." He made a face at the memory of the taste. "I stuck my finger in it when it looked kinda queer, and took a taste. It shore tasted lousy." "You probably been currying that mangey old horse of yours before you went to milking," Hetty snorted, "and tasted his cancerous old hide on your fingers.