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'Knowledge is not simply the reduction of phenomena to law and their resolution into abstract elements; since thus the unknowable would be found well within the facts of experience itself, in so far as these possess a concrete character which refuses translation into abstract relations. So Professor Aliotta urges with unanswerable truth.

Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1906, 6s. net. Aliotta, The Idealistic Reaction against Science. English translation. Macmillan, 1914, 12s. net. F. C. Schiller, Humanism, Macmillan, 1903, 7s. 6d. net. C. C. J. Webb, Group Theories of Religion and the Individual, Allen and Unwin, 1916, 5s. net. A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Lotze, 1895, p. 104. Aliotta, op. cit., pp. 89, 187. Encyl.

The Italian metaphysician Aliotta has lately brought together in one survey the numerous leaders in the great "reaction against science," and they are a formidable band. Pragmatists, voluntarists, activists, subjective idealists, emotional mystics, and religious conservatives, have all joined in assaulting the fortress of science which half a century ago seemed impregnable.

Brit., 'Psychology, 11th ed., p. 577. Ed. 1898, p. 90. Discours sur la Méthode, 1637, IVe Partie. Aliotta, op. cit., p. 408. Ed. 1893, vol. ii, p. 759. First Principles, 6th ed., 1900, vol. i, p. 67. Article, 'Moses, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1913. Ed. Mangey, vol. i, pp. 44, 49. Ibid., pp. 80-179. Ibid., pp. 308, 427. Ibid., pp. 213, 121, 562, 691. Conf. x, 13, 2.