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The place of general assembly shall be the Esplanade. "Article 12. The eighty companies shall be attached to the four quarters of the town mentioned below viz., place de l'Hotel-de-Ville, place de la Maison-Carree, place Saint-Jean, and place du Chateau. "Article 13.

The place of general assembly shall be, the Esplanade. "Article 12. The eighty companies shall be attached to the four quarters of the town mentioned below viz., place de l'Hotel-de-Ville, place de la Maison-Carree, place Saint-Jean, and place du Chateau. "Article 13.

Scattered through this region through the Provence of to-day, and, over on the other side of the Rhône, through Languedoc are the remnants of their magnificent creations: the Pont-du-Gard; the arena, and the baths, and the Tour-Magne, and the beautiful Maison-Carrée, at Nîmes; at Arles the arena, the palace of Constantine, and the wreck of the once exquisite theatre; the baths at Aix; the triumphal arches at Orange and Carpentras; the partly ruined but more perfectly graceful arch, and the charming monument, here at Saint-Remy all these relics of Roman splendour, with many others which I have not named, still testify to Roman affection for this enchanting land.

I could see the firing on the slopes of Kouba from the frigate, and a column had to be sent out to revictual the Maison-Carree! Under these circumstances, the Governor bethought himself that it would be a good thing to show "the King's son" to the troops, and settled to hold a review the next day.