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"Come, my daughter, come," continued Madame de Saint-Remy; "we will go and inform madame that at the very moment she is weeping for her husband, at the moment when we are all weeping for a master in this old castle of Blois, the abode of grief, there are people who amuse themselves with flirtations!" "Oh!" cried both the accused, with one voice.

"For the present, begone, M. de Bragelonne, for Madame de Saint-Remy is not over indulgent; and any indiscretion on her part might bring hither a domiciliary visit, which would be disagreeable to all parties." "But Louise how shall I know " "Begone! begone! King Louis XI. knew very well what he was about when he invented the post." "Alas!" sighed Raoul.

At least, that is the way in which monsieur the cure of Saint-Remy explains why these women are colder and hungrier than other poor women, when they are old." "Yes," remarked Gervaise, "but the gypsies?" "One moment, Gervaise!" said Oudarde, whose attention was less impatient. "What would be left for the end if all were in the beginning? Continue, Mahiette, I entreat you. That poor Chantefleurie!"

Madame alone, like a true Lorrainer, kept pace with his majesty; so that Louis XIV., who, without this partner, might have eaten nearly alone, was at first much pleased with his aunt, and afterwards with M. de Saint-Remy, her maitre d'hotel, who had really distinguished himself.

"Perhaps, buried under those old church walls, lie proofs of our early history, the stones of some old Temple, or statues of its gods; for we were once Sanitium, a Roman city in a country of six Roman roads. Perhaps all around us were great monuments of pagan wealth, a Mausoleum near these bare old rocks like that which stands in loneliness near Saint-Remy, Villas, Baths, or Triumphal Arches."

Madame, who was not so preoccupied as her glorious spouse was, remarked this distraction of the page. "Well?" exclaimed she. "Well!" repeated Monsieur; "what is going on then?" M. de Saint-Remy, who had just introduced his head through the doorway, took advantage of the moment.

"What did you say?" cried Montalais, hastening to affect surprise, so fearful was she that Louise would in some way commit herself. "You don't know the news, then?" said Madame de Saint-Remy. "What news, madame, is it possible for two girls to learn up in this dove-cote?" "What! have you seen nobody?"

So the days went by, for Messire Lefebvre Saint-Remy, the pursuivant, was hunting for my Lord of Huntingdon, all up and down Normandy, and at last came to Rouen, and to the presence of the Duke of Bedford, the uncle of the English King. All this I myself heard from Messire Saint-Remy, who is still a pursuivant, and a learned man, and a maker of books.

But this brave guard knew very well that no officer would appear, seeing that the only one who could have appeared dwelt at the other side of the castle, in an apartment looking into the gardens. So he hastened to add: "The officer, monsieur, is on his rounds, but in his absence, M. de Saint-Remy, the maitre d'hotel shall be informed." "M. de Saint-Remy?" repeated the cavalier, slightly blushing.

Don't be afraid, Louise Madame de Saint-Remy will not come; and if she should, you know I have a quick ear. Besides, what can be more permissible than to write to an old friend of twelve years' standing, particularly when the letter begins with the words 'Monsieur Raoul'?" "It is all very well I will not write to him at all," said the young girl.