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Oh, good Lawd 'a' mussy! my po' back! my po' back! Oh! don't dra ag you ain't a-needin' to drag me. I'll walk, Mahse John Wesley, I'll walk! Oh! you a-scrapin' my knees off! Oh! dat whip ain't over dak! You can't re'ch it down! ef I bite " There was a silent instant and the mulatto screamed.

Don't you dare to sleep on these premises to-night. Wait! Tell me what you've done to offend Judge March?" "Why, Mahse John Wesley, I ain't done nothin' to Jedge Mahch; no, sah, neither defensive nor yit offensive. An' yit mo', I ain't dream o; causin' you sich uprisin' he'plessness.

Their chief delight and glory was to praise the courage and good looks of "Mahse Tom," and prophesy great things about his future. Many a ringing laugh and shout of fun originated in the queer remarks, shining countenance, and glistening teeth of this now forever departed character.

Johanna, too, heard, came, and then stood like Barbara, awe-stricken and rooted in the water. The next moment there was a whirl, a bound, a splash and Barbara was alone. Johanna, with three leaping strides, was out of the water, across the fence, and scampering over ledges and loose stones toward the house, mad with the joy of her news: "Mahse John Wesley!

"It doesn't hurt as bad as it ought to, Cornelius," and the blows came again. "Ow! Dey won't git win' of it! 'Deed an 'deedy dey won't, sweet Mahse John Wesley! oh! o oh! Ow! Oh, Lawd, come down! Dey des shan't git win' of it! 'fo' Gawd dey shan't! Ow! oh! oh! oh! a ah oo oo!" "Now, go!" said Garnet.

Johanna reappeared in the door with a scared face; Barbara burst into loud weeping, and her nurse bore her away crying and bending toward her mother, while from the veranda the wail poured in. "Oh! Oh! don't resh me back like that! Oh! Oh! my Gawd! Oh! you'll bre'k de balusters! Oh! my Gawd-A'mighty, my back; Mahse John Wesley, you a-breakin' my back!

"Oh! don't grabble my whole bres' up dat a-way, sah! Please sah! Oh! don't! You ain't got no mo' right! Oh! Lawd! Mahse John Wesley! Oh! good Lawdy! yo' ban' bites like a dawg!" Ravenel paused in his talk to ask Barbara about the sandman, but the child stared wildly at her mother.

With sinking knees a small form slipped from the kitchen and ran fell rose and ran again across the moonlight and into the grove toward the spring-house. Barbara's crying increased. Ravenel said: "Don't let me keep you from the baby" while outside: "Oh! I didn't mean to bite you, sweet Mahse John Wesley. 'Fo' Gawd I oh! o oh h you broke my knees!"

Barbara gazed on the bareheaded men and courtesying women grasping the hand of their stately master. "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Welcome home, sah. Yass, sah!" "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Yass, sah; dass so, sot free, but niggehs yit, te-he! an' Rosemont niggehs yit!" Chorus, "Dass so!" and much laughter. "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Miss Rose happy now, an' whensomever she happy, us happy. Yass, sah.

While old Virginia ran from the kitchen to her cabin rubbing the flour from her arms and crying, "Tu'n out! tu'n out, you laazy black niggers! Mahse John Wesley Gyarnet a-comin' up de road!" Barbara did not stir.