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I felt an increase not alone of strength but of weight. Lahiri Mahasaya retreated into silence. After a few hours at his feet, I returned to my mother's home, where I stayed during my visits to Benares. "'My son! What is the matter? Are you swelling with dropsy? Mother could hardly believe her eyes. My body was now of the same robust dimensions it had possessed before my illness.

He looked like Lahiri Mahasaya, the only difference being that Babaji appeared much younger, and had long, bright hair. "Lahiri Mahasaya, Mataji, and myself knelt at the guru's feet. An ethereal sensation of beatific glory thrilled every fiber of my being as I touched his divine flesh. "'Blessed sister, Babaji said, 'I am intending to shed my form and plunge into the Infinite Current.

"Did you ever hear of the extraordinary circumstances under which your father became a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya?" It was on a lazy summer afternoon, as Abinash and I sat together in the compound of my home, that he put this intriguing question. I shook my head with a smile of anticipation.

Masters who possess the Divine Vision are fully able to transfer their realizations to advanced disciples, as Lahiri Mahasaya did for Sri Yukteswar on this occasion. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear and healed him."-LUKE 22:50-51.

He is my incomparable guru, the celestial Babaji! "'Babaji! I repeated, awestruck. 'The Yogi-Christ Babaji! The invisible-visible savior Babaji! Oh, if I could just recall the past and be once more in his presence, to show my devotion at his lotus feet! "'Never mind, Lahiri Mahasaya said consolingly. 'He has promised to see you again.

"My fellow disciples informed me that Lahiri Mahasaya had not moved from his dais since early the preceding evening. "'He gave a wonderful discourse on immortality after you had left for the Dasasamedh GHAT, one of the chelas told me.

On the previous night Gandhi had expressed a wish to receive the KRIYA YOGA of Lahiri Mahasaya. I was touched by the Mahatma's open-mindedness and spirit of inquiry. He is childlike in his divine quest, revealing that pure receptivity which Jesus praised in children, ". . . of such is the kingdom of heaven."

"Many times," Keshabananda went on, "both before and after his passing, Lahiri Mahasaya has appeared bodily before me. For him no Himalayan height is inaccessible!" Two hours later he led us to a dining patio. I sighed in silent dismay. Another fifteen-course meal! Less than a year of Indian hospitality, and I had gained fifty pounds!

"Compose yourself, Abhoya," he remarked. "How you love to bother me! As if you could not have come here by the next train!" Abhoya visited Lahiri Mahasaya on another memorable occasion. This time she wanted his intercession, not with a train, but with the stork. "I pray you to bless me that my ninth child may live," she said. "Eight babies have been born to me; all died soon after birth."

Once again I gazed on the Taj Mahal; in memory Jitendra stood by my side, awed by the dream in marble. Then on to the Brindaban ashram of Swami Keshabananda. My object in seeking out Keshabananda was connected with this book. I had never forgotten Sri Yukteswar's request that I write the life of Lahiri Mahasaya.