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He gave the words, 'Right you are; pull away! and in a trice the three lads and Magsie pulled the girl and the boy up to the summit of the rock. Hollyhock lay like one dead, but the boys carried her straight back to the Annex, which was the nearest house, and there she could at once receive her aunt's most tender care and treatment.

"Don't cry, then, Magsie; here, eat a bit o' cake." Maggie's sobs began to subside, and she put out her mouth for the cake and bit a piece; and then Tom bit a piece, just for company, and they ate together and rubbed each other's cheeks and brows and noses together, while they ate, with a humiliating resemblance to two friendly ponies.

"Oh, he's gone off with some men for some golf and poker. We might find someone, and go on a party. Where could we go Long Beach? It's going to be stifling hot." "Stay and have lunch with me," said Magsie. "I can't to-day. I'm lunching with a theatrical man at Sherry's. I tell you I'm in deadly earnest. I'm going to break in! Suppose I come here for you at just three.

Magsie bridled in becoming importance. "It is all very sudden," she said with the weary, patient smile of the invalid's wife, "but he won't go without me." And then, as Mrs. Gardiner began to give directions to the driver of her own car, which was waiting, she went on inconsequentially, and in a low and troubled undertone, "I didn't know what to do. Do do you think I'm a fool, Billy?"

He smiled at her very kindly this evening, and said, "Well, Magsie, how's aunt Moss?" "Come, come, sir," said Mr. Glegg putting out his hand. "Why, you're such a big man, you carry all before you, it, seems. You're come into your luck a good deal earlier than us old folks did; but I wish you joy, I wish you joy. You'll get the Mill all for your own again some day, I'll be bound.

Instantly the hope came to her that Magsie had some new admirer, someone she would really consider as a husband, and wanted to make of Rachael an advocate with Warren, who, in his present absurd state of infatuation, might not find such a situation to his taste. "I want to put to you the case of a friend of mine," Magsie said presently, "a girl who, like myself, is on the stage."

Doctor says he's got to go away AT ONCE if he's going to get well." The anguish in her voice and manner reached Magsie at last. There was nothing cruel about the little actress, however sordid her ambitions and however selfish her plans. "Could you get him away, now?" she said almost timidly. "Is he strong enough to go?"

We're going right down to the City Hall for the license now, and the ring -There are a lot of clothes I've got to buy immediately " "Why don't you let me run you about?" suggested Billy. "I don't have to meet the men until six I'll have to round up another girl, too; but I'd love to. Let Mama go back to Mr. Gardiner!" "Oh, I couldn't," Magsie said, quite the dutiful daughter.

Rachael answered, perfunctorily polite, and with her eyes still fixed darkly on space. And as if half to herself, she added, in a breathless, level undertone: "It all rests with Warren!" Presently Magsie breathed a faint "Good-bye," following it with an almost inaudible murmur that Dennison would let her out. Then the white figure was gone from the gloom of the room, and Rachael was alone.

And I'll risk having Jacqueline make me a couple of gowns, and be all ready to jump in. I'll learn the part, too," said Billy kindling; "you'll coach me in it, won't you?" "Of course I will!" Magsie agreed, but she did not say it heartily. The conversation was not extremely pleasing to Magsie at the moment.