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The patient, whose eyes are covered, often feels marked effects at a time when they are not magnetizing him, and remains, on the contrary, quite passive while they are magnetizing him, without his being aware of it. Persons of all classes offer similar anomalies.

The storm which burst in connection with Cowperwood's machinations at Springfield early in 1897, and continued without abating until the following fall, attracted such general attention that it was largely reported in the Eastern papers. F. A. Cowperwood versus the state of Illinois thus one New York daily phrased the situation. The magnetizing power of fame is great.

It will never do for you to be 'too sensitive' be natural, sensible, and strong." Danger in Indiscriminate Magnetizing. Another point against which the medium should guard himself, is that of allowing others, indiscriminately, to "magnetize" him to "aid his development" or to "increase his power."

So, likewise, those eminent investigators De la Povostaye and Desains succeeded in magnetizing a beam of heat; but though, in their case also, the luminous solar heat was employed, the deflection obtained did not amount to more than two or three degrees.

A sense of ease and comfort was enjoyed throughout the entire household. Despite the difference of rank, wealth, and dignity, the poor dependents felt a warm and devoted confidence in their high-born superiors. In the sweet and childlike Fanny Trevelyan there was a subtle magnetizing influence which compelled acknowledgment.

"The fact is, that the Bacchanal had cheek enough, in all conscience." "Not to speak of her fascinating the bobbies!" "And magnetizing the beaks." "They may get as angry as they please; she always finishes by making them laugh." "And they all call her: Queen!" "What a quadrille! Sleepinbuff and the Bacchanal Queen, having opposite to them Rose-Pompon and Ninny Moulin!"

At the end of three weeks I searched every molecule of the slate for the indication of a zig-zag line, but the surface was unsullied, and its black monotony returned stare for stare. Still hopeful and trustful I continued, day by day and week by week. The six weeks expired. Not a zig, nor a zag. Caffray was kept busy magnetizing paper. I renewed my stock and determined to push on to two months.

Sensations thus felt, when no magnetizing was exerted, must evidently have been the effect of imagination. The commissioners were too strict logicians to confine themselves with these experiments.

The general design of the instrument, as shown in a somewhat crude form when first exhibited, is given in the figure, where A is the magnetizing coil within which the sample of iron or steel wire to be tested is placed, B the suspended needle, C the compensating coil, and M the magnet used as a compensator, having a scale beneath it divided into quarter degrees.

She replied, "Yes, he says he was with you in Paris, and that he saw you in the house where you lived with Mrs. Fox no, not Fox, Coxe Mrs. Coxe and he asks if you remember magnetizing Mrs. Coxe at the restaurant?" Mrs.