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These new troops, led by Roderic MacAlpin and Haffling of Orkney, attacked the Scots upon two points, making a desperate charge, and with such success that they killed many and drove the whole army back into the farther valley. But here the Scots suddenly halted. Their left wing wheeled round, and taking the invaders in their rear they speedily brought to an end that battle of Largs.

'But since you changed poor Peter MacAlpin, that used to take care of the town-clock, my dear, it has never gone well a single day.

"What means all this that I see?" began the abbot with trembling voice, "and how comes it, Roderic MacAlpin, that I behold you here in Bute with all this strange following? Infamous man! Did you not but twelve short months ago solemnly swear before God that you would not set foot upon these shores again ere you had spent three years of penance in the service of the Most High. How come you here?"

If what I hear of your increased prowess with your weapon be true, assuredly you are now a match even for Roderic MacAlpin." "What takes him to Garroch at that dread hour?" "It is that he expects to meet Aasta." "Aasta?" "Even so, my lord." "And wherefore should Roderic have aught to do with the maid?" "You well may ask," said Elspeth, "and it is not willingly that I would have them meet.

There's the MacAlpin threats me with all his clan if I dinna give you to him; and Mackay is not behindhand, but will come down with pibroch and braidsword and five hundred caterans to pay his court to you, and make short work of all others. My certie, sisters seem but a cause for threats from reivers, though maybe they would not be so uncivil if once they had you.

As well might you seek to move Goatfell as think of holding your own against Roderic MacAlpin." But Kenric, learning thus how Aasta had come by her terrible fate, felt his craving for battle grow stronger. He spoke no word, but stood with his naked weapon ready in his hands. Roderic threw off his heavy cloak and drew his sword.

The Norwegian chronicle recording this fight says that Sir Piers de Currie was killed by a blow which severed his thigh from his body, the sword cutting through the greaves of his armour and penetrating to the saddle. Howbeit the brave Sir Piers was slain, and the man who slew him was the outlaw Roderic MacAlpin.

I met MacAlpin of the Daily Mail, who said to me: "I took a walk in the Bois de Boulogne yesterday afternoon. In a lonely alley I was stopped by three cyclist policemen. They asked for my papers. Fortunately, I had with me my passport and the 'permission to remain' issued to me as a foreigner. If I had happened to have left these in another coat, I should have been arrested.

And now, my father, you will go down upon your knees before me for I am now your lord and king and will be obeyed and you shall tell me truly where this young whelp Kenric is to be found, that I may slay him." "Earl Kenric of Bute shall never be slain by you, Roderic MacAlpin," said Elspeth.

"It is," said she, "that your isle of Gigha has been invaded and conquered by the Norsemen, and that your kinsman William MacAlpin has but now given up his life in telling me the tale." Kenric stood in troubled thought, a cloud upon his brow. "Where is Lulach?" he presently asked. "Over at Inch Marnock," she said, "and ill with his foot that he hurt in climbing the rocks two days since.