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Out of our own minds we put into the sense-symbols he has woven ideas and feelings which provide the content and meaning he intends. Hence all aesthetic appreciation is self-expression. This is evident in the case of the more lyrical types of art. The lyric poem is appreciated by us as an expression of our own inner life; music as an expression of our own slumberous or subconscious moods.

But does art feel no shame at having thus fallen under the dominion of trade! The ear of the eighteenth century preferred human voices whose timbre approached closest to the violin, the oboe or the 'cello, and considered that such were peculiarly fitted for lyric and dramatic expression.

But we are concerned now only with the play as Da Ponte and Mozart gave it to us. In the dramatic terminology of the eighteenth century "Don Giovanni" was a dramma giocoso; in the better sense of the phrase, a playful drama a lyric comedy.

Homer's harp is broken and Horace's lyre is unstrung, and the voices of the great singers are hushed; but their songs their songs are imperishable. O friend! what moots it to them or to us who gave this epic or that lyric to immortality? The singer belongs to a year, his song to all time.

Indeed, the modern novel is not only the heir of the epic, it has also despoiled the drama, the lyric and the oration of part of their inheritance.

The sweetness and simplicity of lyric or elegiac loveliness which fill and inform the scenes where Adriana, her sister, and the Syracusan Antipholus exchange the expression of their errors and their loves, belong to Shakespeare alone; and may help us to understand how the young poet who at the outset of his divine career had struck into this fresh untrodden path of poetic comedy should have been, as we have seen that he was, loth to learn from another and an alien teacher the hard and necessary lesson that this flowery path would never lead him towards the loftier land of tragic poetry.

The intense musical vigor of Beethoven's great work was felt to be a startling variety, wrought out as it was in its principal part by the genius of a great lyric vocalist. This was Mme.

Under this flood of truth the old obstacles to a nobler society are washed away, while out of the enriched soil rises the new Japan which is to be a part of the better Christendom that is to come. Christ in Japan, as everywhere, means not destruction, but fulfilment. "Life is a dream is what the pilgrim learns, Nor asks for more, but straightway home returns." Japanese medieval lyric drama.

The song of a mocking-bird in the poplars of the little graveyard came to her with unsuspected melody a melody drawn from the freshness, the loneliness, the half-awakened calls from hidden nests and the lyric ecstasy of dawn. Then, with the rising of the sun, Aunt Chris would turn upon her pillow and open her soft, brown eyes.

Paul looked down his nose, and in a dry-at-dust voice recited the first verse of old Ben's immortal lyric. His voice quavered a little on the last lines 'But might I of Jove's nectar sip, I would not change from thine! and Gertrude broke in with a laugh and an airy little wave of her hand. 'Now, my dear M. Paul, she said, 'you are really and truly admirable.