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Then they put their money in the box, and tip the pole back after they drive through, to save wakin' me, for the neighbors are real accommodating and they knew father took a heap of care. But the noise I heard wasn't anybody droppin' coppers in the box, nor raisin' or lowerin' the pole. The rope rasps against the hole when the gate goes up or down.

This ranikaboo Pistol, who couldn't fight a little bit, an' who's caperin' along ten rods in the lead of Falstaff, gets the sudden crazy-boss notion that he'll mete out punishment to Hotspur himse'f, an' make a reputation as a war-eagle with his pard an' patron, Falstaff. With that, Pistol curves his tail like a letter S, and, lowerin' his knittin'-needle horns, comes dancin' up to Hotspur.

"Cap'n Symes, he gin a last look at the weather. 'Mr. Symes, says he, 'it's a-bloawin' right smart peart, and I don't see fitten for to lower, still if you're so gol-darned sot on lowerin', you can lower and be hanged to you. "I went for'ard and sings aout for volunteers, an' the boys jest tumbled over each other into the boat.

The trial closes with the customary drinks; Bowlaigs gettin' his forty drops with the rest, on the hocks of which he signalises his reestoration to his rights an' freedom as a citizen by quilin' up in his corner an' goin' to sleep. "But the end is on its lowerin' way for Bowlaigs.

His arms hung well to his knee, giving the man the appearance of a powerful animal. His face was brown as a smack's sail, and his eyes red and shifty as a ferret's. "What is it ye waant here?" growled McKelvie with a lowerin' look, and there was silence from the others; and the men put their drink down where it would not spill if there should be a scrimmage.

'I don' mean any 'arm! replied Mosk, rather cowed, 'but I mean to 'ave m' rights, I do. 'Your rights? What do you mean? 'M' rights as a father, explained the man, sulkily. 'Your son's bin runnin' arter m' gal, and lowerin' of her good name. 'Hold your tongue, sir. Mr Pendle's intentions with regard to Miss Mosk are most honourable.

It wuz a fair day; the fog dispersed and the sun shone out with promise and the waves talked to me of Home, Sweet Home. It wuz a cold lowerin' day when the good ship bore us into New York harbor.

"One of the silly things I've learned from you," says Vee, lowerin' her eyelids fetchin', "is to to take a chance." "Vee!" says I, startin' to dash around the table. "Hush!" says she, wavin' me hack. "Here come your eggs." Say, what went on durin' the rest of the day I couldn't tell.

"We are all ready for lowerin', sir," sang out one of the men, presently. "Then lower at once," answered Leslie, as he pushed back the plug into its place, "and then jump down into her as quickly as you like."

"John," says I, "it's my belief the lady and gentleman 'ud be insulted," says I, "though they ARE the sweetest unassoomin'est young gentlefolk I ever did see," says I, "if we were to go as tin' them to accept the loan of money from the likes of you and me, John, as is no better, by the side of them, nor old servants, in the manner o' speakin'." "Insulted," says 'e; "not a bit of it, they needn't, Martha," says 'e, "for I knows the ways of the aristocracy," says 'e, "and I knows as there's many a gentleman as owns 'is own 'osses and 'is own 'ounds as isn't afraid to borrer a pound or so from 'is own coachman, or even from 'is own groom not but what to borrer from a groom is lowerin'," says 'e, "in a tempory emergency.