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Ounds, Sir, d'ye railly with me? Fal. Your pardon, sweet Alcander, I protest I am Not in so gay an humour. Alcan. Fal. Stark mad, by Jove yet it may be not, for Alcander has many unaccountable humours. Well, if this be agreeable to Aminta, she's e'en as mad As he, and 'twere great pity to part them. Enter Pisaro, Aminta, and Olinda. Am. Well, have you kill'd him? Fal. Some wiser than some, Madam.

Carry 'im well; 'e's a strong rider, too, and a good plucked one, but bad 'ands, I should say." "Yes, Pettance; I must go in now. Will you tell Annie I shall be round to-morrow, to see her?" "Very good, miss. 'Ounds meets at Filly Cross, seven-thirty. You'll be goin' out?" "Rather. Good-night." Flying back across the yard, Gyp thought: "'She rode beautiful! How jolly! I'm glad he's got my horse."

"How beautifully clean it all is!" exclaimed Nan. The whip smiled with obvious delight. "If you keep 'ounds, miss, you must keep 'em clean or they won't be 'ealthy and fit to do their day's work. An' a day's hunting is a day's work for 'ounds, an' no mistake." "How like a woman to remark about cleanliness first of all!" laughed Roger.

Mrs. Spruce drew a long breath, rolled up her eyes, and began: "Which the Misses Ittlethwaite is a county fam'ly, Miss, livin' some seven or eight miles from here as proud as proud, owin' to their forebears 'avin' sworn death on Magnum Chartus for servin' of King John an' Miss Ittlethwaite proper, she be gettin' on in years, but she's a great huntin' lady, an' come November is allus to be seen follerin' the 'ounds, stickin' to the saddle wonderful for 'er size an' time o' life, an' Miss Barbara, she doos a lot o' sick visitin', an' Bible readin', not 'ere, for our people won't stand it, an' Passon Walden ain't great on breakin' into private 'ouses without owners' consents for Bible readin', but she, she's 'Igh, an' tramps into Riversford near every day which the carrier's cart brings 'er 'ome to 'er own place they 'avin' given up a kerridge owin' to spekylation in railways, an' Miss Hagnes she works lovely with 'er needle, an' makes altar cloths an' vestis for Mr.

"'It's the fastest run I ever had in my life! cried Danbury. "'And the fastest that ever I 'ad, an' that means more, said the old huntsman. 'But what licks me is that we've never 'ad a look at the beast. 'E must leave an amazin' scent be'ind 'im when these 'ounds can follow 'im like this, and yet none of us have seen 'im when we've 'ad a clear 'alf mile view in front of us.

Wolverstone, the only one who held the clue to this degeneration, ventured once and once only to beard him frankly about it. "Lord, Peter! Is there never to be no end to this?" the giant had growled. "Will you spend your days moping and swilling 'cause a white-faced ninny in Port Royal'll have none o' ye? 'Sblood and 'ounds! If ye wants the wench, why the plague doesn't ye go and fetch her?"

"Tare an' 'ounds," poor Paddy said, for he was an Irishman, "I've got a fine lot of flour, but am as tired as a dog, and as hungry as a hunter." "Well done, Burke," said I, for that was his name, "we will soon have a blow out of dough-boys and mutton."

"'Give the hounds a trot out by way of exercise' eh?" "Well, I hope it won't end in 'Dinner lost! 'ounds lost! self lost all lost together! What d'ye think of calling the hunt, old boy?" "The Cut-'em-downs, if you're going to ride over my hounds," said Charteris, as a heedless puppy blundered in front of Gerrard's horse. "And call you Crasher."

Blood an' ounds, shouted the corporal; the battle raged, Yorick drew his chair a little to one side for safety, and after a moment's pause, my uncle Toby sinking his voice a note, resumed the discourse as follows.

'Pore, said John, vainly endeavouring to tear on his coat with becoming rapidity under the influence of Mrs. Halliss's voluble exhortations. 'Pore are they, pore things? and so they may be. I've knowed the sons of country gentlemen, and that baronights too, Martha, as 'ad kep' their 'ounds, redooced to be that pore as they couldn't have afforded to a took our lodgings, even 'umble as they may be.